Vaginafication Nation

You are full of absolute horse shit.

Black women: do all the unpaid emotional labor

Well……..if the shoe fits.

Can’t we just turn him to stone?

Perhaps he’s doing research for a comprehensive and well informed textbook for the instruction of teens enrolled in magic school.

*reads article*- Sixty years each sounds just fine by me!

The public attention brought him “mental and emotional strain”? Well, damn. If we could just find this asshole that brought him all this public attention.....oh, wait. This jackass isn’t offended by his brutality on a 12 year old girl, he’s offended that there’s accountability. Now, a bunch of people get to question

It is true that ~some people~ CAN and DO support systems that oppress them. I know, crazy! There are many things factoring into that like...getting paid, that feeling of power when one is in authority or maybe it’s that you enter in to a peer group that reinforces your world view. a system of white supremacy,

Being part of a white supremacist patriarchy is an exercise in extremism. They ~must~ terrorize those they wish to subjugate. It’s what makes them True Patriots(tm), just like the Founding Fathers. Mattingly has been told he's a hero and he believes it.

So, the republican governor of South Carolina DOES NOT want the Supreme Court of South Carolina to defend the rights safeguarded by the.......state constitution of South Carolina? And he’s going to use the general assembly to continue to erode these rights, yes?

Never call the police. There is no instance in which they improve their surroundings. At some point, you have to come to the conclusion it’s out of maliciousness and not ignorance.

If anyone needs to catch up on the Philadelphia M.O.V.E. group in 1985, hbo max has an incredibly good documentary titled 40 Years A Prisoner. Just remember that the truth is brutal.

“Police say.....”

This man is standing on top of the corpse of an 18 year old black man with six bullets in him to advance his career. He sleeps like a fucking baby at night. Jeff Roorda, Darren Wilson, all belligerent, out of shape, “special” vigilante squad Scumbags. Never call the police.

The report also found that as white incarceration rates went down Black incarceration rates increased.

I don’t understand why Kelley Goodlett would tell on herself when she’s only one half of the two people in the conspiracy. She lied on an affidavit, fine. But she didn’t want to lie to federal prosecutors? And it’s just her word against these other two (meany and jaynes) at the end of the day? I mean, did she record

This country punishes women for defending themselves All. The. Time. Sometimes ‘justice’ has to get creative, but they always get their pound of flesh.

*whispers* dead eyes

They keep saying it because they: 1.) CAN’T understand fetal viability or they 2.) WON’T understand fetal viability. We CaN’t KiLl AnY bAbIeS! is far less nuanced than what’s happening in pregnancies that are in their 20th/24th week. If you need an abortion at/after that point, something has gone terribly wrong. And