Vaginafication Nation

I am sorry for your loss.

Dear Mike Huckabee,

I concur. I pooped and peed in a bucket earlier this week. It was not at all convenient/luxurious. I also had no sexuality. I also had no sex.


Your MOTHER is right. I like that she’s telling you what she can deal with.

O. K., Navy, what do I do with a newly retired you-sa-sock guy with unbelievable anger demonstrations? In public? With kids? Got that figured out? Let me know.

“So fuckin’ bored, Hank.” Word.


I feel you. Never call them for anything. Unless you want it more fucked up.

Yes. Fuck Those People Indeed. (But please, don’t make them pregnant. They will spread very bad rumors to the babes.)

Only the truly STUPID would consider the TRUTH as being a BULLY. Transparency shakes them at their core? These people have no COURAGE. (Dear Rapture/Second Coming, Please, please take them now. I'm a good tipper.)

I have a set of clothes (outfit) for this. Black, tight, very sensible boots. They’re called ‘knifing clothes’. I imagine They would work for a defacement.

I want to talk about the costumes, I really do. I JUST CANT. Maybe she didn’t realize the implication? But HIM? I’ve had no baby with this woman, but here’s a picture? (And it’s not just any picture!) He sure seems enthusiastic.


Hahahaha!, these are COPS. You’re guilty until proven guilty!

I think you need CONTENTMENT. We'll drink. And then you keep keeping on. What else is there?

He contacted you to show you that you are powerless to block him out. You have enough money to change apartments, but not enough for an order of protection? O.K. There’s going to be trouble. You can physically move, but if you’re going to keep such a high on-line profile, be prepared to be contacted. What he wants is


I just anger-ordered reusable pads from Amazon. They're not getting anymore of my money.

Wow. That star is like the most personal thing I've ever shared.