Vaginafication Nation

This all sounds terribly suspect to me. This seems intentional. Texas, Florida, Washington state, there is always a Rez somewhere and there's Natives of the Americas on it. Sometimes, they grow very long hair for religious/ceremonial purposes and they're telling me an elementary school in *Texas* doesn't know this?

God's Balls, fuck your mouth! Fuck Mark Shrayber's mouth, too.

That's not a read, that's shade. All us jews and muslims. Jesus christ on a whole wheat cracker, that's rich. Kirk, I'm begging you, come out.

What kind of special crazy do you have to be to object to fucking? Afro circus afro circus polka dot polka dot afro circus.

Badassery everywhere. Thank you. If anyone needs stones, they are right here.

O.K., I will do it. I will put the choke collar on. He can yank my collar one good time. After that, he's on his own. Elevator cam, sorry. Truly I am sorry.

That's a beautiful bitch statement if I've ever heard one.

Bitch, I am challangi

Bitch, do you want to fight? Because I am here for you.

She has black hair. Could we just let her have black hair. Glorious.

I agree with you on the body and dash cams. It will stop impropriety at a very basic level. But, what about at an investigative level or the district attorney's level? These people are power hungry and I suggest the 'rotten' starts at the core. I guess what I'm asking is, have you ever faced federal charges based on

You have ruined any hope I had for peace. All I want to do is clean guns. Thanks.

In other news, Mark Driscoll is ordered to recreate a frame by frame version of the anaconda video by Nicki Menaj. Shake dat ass, Mark.

True story, we're in the theatre 12 minutes in and my mother turns her head and says, and I fucking quote, "Bruce Willis is dead". Thank you so much.

You said 'pretty thick', heh heh heh.

You will when you have kids. Patience.

There is nothing to condemn. She owns all the sexuality and I think she made a little fun of the stereotypes. This just made rump a little more mystical.

You have to wait for the reverberation.

Well I live in the U.S. and there is definitely a 'white is best' perception here. This is exactly what it's like growing up female here. Only the *fairest* gets to be the princess. Blond/blue is what it was all about when I was in school. Highlight your hair, get colored contacts. I still see a very narrow

Young Sean Bean is sex on a stick. His Oliver Mellors is a nice go-to for 'private time'. Do you watch Sharpe's, too?