While some are charmed by Sesame Street's young red muppet, others say he's ruined everything
While some are charmed by Sesame Street's young red muppet, others say he's ruined everything
I’m not entirely sure I like the assignment of the cheats. Seems like it would be very easy to full heal when you were trying to disable enounters. I’m not used to the PS4 controller, but with other controllers, when I’m trying to hit both, sometimes it will only pick up one or the other. Seems like it would have been…
L3 - speeds up everything by three
Is it just me, or is ADD getting overused? I don’t think wanting to skip past a 2 minute animation that I’ve spammed many times before makes one ADD, that’s just normal.
Nah. Too soon. I named her John Cena
That’s because Tactics is the best Final Fantasy game.
It demands all of your attention.
A human mind can only focus on all the other Final Fantasy games OR the glory of Tactics. Not both.
They always forget Tactics..
I found it bit silly that his sword has this ribbon running all over it’s blade in KH.
Because of all 3d, the smash-bros is the one didn’t shy away from Caucasian-Cloud by making the face squarer and more toned body.
They forgot Tactics :(
I wouldn’t ask Bethesda a damn thing.
Elmo has never had a moment that has made me get misty or shed tears. However, things like this were common in the pre-Elmo-dominated era (and still cause tears to well up):
I disagree, I think the article has valid points. And as easy as it is to say “your kids shouldn’t get (insert whatever) from television! Shitty parenting alert!” most adults will acknowledge that TV shows taught them things as children. I watched Sesame Street as a kid and it did help shape me. Does that mean my…
Yes, let’s not critically think and write about the media our children consume, let’s just let them blindly watch anything. Sounds like good parenting skills...
NEFRNOW be all like “We figured the scheme behind award shows!”
Everyone else is all like “Yeah, we know...”
Increasingly common, but smart marketing moves thanks to award shows and gaming events. Witcher 3 got GoTY? Price cut it and watch sales spike.
I don’t think that’d be possible, unless they just removed all the towns and turned Midgar into a straight line.
Looks to be using a modified version of the 15 engine. Should save some dev time over Square’s love of making a whole new engine for each big title.
Anyladies like mouse date contact please. Is real mikyee, complete legit.
Who knew that was a thing?