Beau Dazzle

I’m not the most qualified to answer that given all the events I participated in, but you get so many free gems just by playing the main story that you can summon willy nilly for stronger units that wipe the floor with main story bosses. Actually, yes, there are three free summons every day, tro of which are much more

I hope they put the content in a better game or, bare minimum, offline. Gacha’s obviously a problematic and predatory model, but we have this game now, so might as well try to enjoy what merits it has while we can.

At least no one can support it now that the store is shut down. If it’s a completely free blitz through the story, it might be worth it to you now? (Not defending gacha, hell no, just finding a silver lining where I can.)

I don’t like doing it, but I’ll defend Nomura’s failure to deliver Versus XIII *just a bit* and say he was saddled with that utterly cursed, hyper-focused-to-a-fault Crystal Tools engine. Sadly, the obsession with Lightning was because of a *different* weird dork, Motomu Toriyama.

I just wish GF were better about optimizing something as obvious as a chugging framerate and visible rendering, stuff staring the average consumer in the face. And how they’re pretty bad about post-game content: Maybe, like, co-develop? Use some of that merch money for another studio to implement sizeable but lower

It’s bad optics if your internationally-marketed blank check-budgeted fantasy world of magical humans is populated like a West Virginia renaissance faire.

Too old for more than a handful of OG reruns, old enough to rent Transformers the Movie every other week from the library, young enough for Beast Wars (...and Machines). So I’m just optimistic enough that I’ll finally watch one of these new movies. Only 15 years late to the water cooler party, but hey.

It’s fights and walking. And cutscenes. And then about four-fifths of the way through you’re allowed to do basic “go there, kill X” side quests, then a scootch of almost subtle environmental storytelling, then a lot of bright colors and loud noises, andthen you’re at the final dungeon. I guess there’s an NPC when you

At the risk of being a lil’ know-it-all giving unsolicited advice, did you check out Classic Mode? It automates stuff like regular attacks and positioning, letting you focus on the bigger stuff like skills and healing. The PS4 release locked this to Easy difficulty, but exclusive to Remake: Intergrade (probably to

When I was 15 or 17, waaaay back in the late 00’s or so, on an article about TenNapel (maybe he was opposing marriage equality or just generally being bigoted trash) I commented that I wanted to punch him in the nose. Hey, I was a kid. I can’t say for sure it wasn’t a (different) troll, but *supposedly TenNapel

Ah, this takes me back

N64 was inevitable, and I wouldn’t not give Sin & Punishment another try, but half the library’s already been ported or remastered. Preserving history’s always important, but of all the consoles to justify paying more for NSO, this and the Genesis *again* aren’t as enticing as having any Game Boy on my TV.

I appreciate that they’re adding more games at all to NSO, but I expected an disappointing drip-feed of Genesis/MD titles at least a year ago. I mean, yeah, M.U.S.H.A. aside, Genesis software ain’t exactly a rare commodity. I’m frankly surprised it hadn’t already been done and alongside TGFX-16/PC Engine games at that.

Plus it’s OLED. That’s not nothing.

That’s Cor. You can’t convince me that’s not literally his character model. 🧐

The fact alone he said “kek” implies his lack of good judgment

Yikes! 😨 Not gonna lie, definitely one of my worse comments for sure. Some combination of a shifting frame of reference (I’m still adjusting to the 00s/90s as being 20-ish years ago instead of 15 and change), totally misreading your post, and the timeless *wisdom* of posting anything at 3:00 in the morning resulted

4Kids was, like, 10+ years ago. I grew up with that nonsense too, but it’s over now. It’s now a joke in anime history. Let it go.

Sorry to be that guy, but your link at the beginning should be

I’d entertain playing Portable, but in the time since playing Fes I’d learned what an utter creep Vic Mignonga is. Guy voiced Junpei, one of the more popular characters not named Mitsuru. Just ruins it for me 😮‍💨