Beau Dazzle

You take that back.

same engine = same universe

What the hell is this thing? Burn it with fire!


Polish film posters are magnificent

If the internet had its way, yes.

It’s japan, why not?

Change the relationship between Ash and Pikachu if it was female?
What, was he going to fuck it?

Sunday Comics is supposed to be a happy place, both for the readers and for me. I look forward to compiling this post every weekend, catching up on all of my favorite webcomics in the process.

My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.

I starred this, but not because I approve of your mom’s behavior.

“You are the fattest person I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting.” -Mom

I know, it’s sooo 2015

And how much will we be expected to pay for this privilege I wonder?

I am calling it, this is vengeance for all the years of terrible american covers for japanese games.

It is not the sexiness of the characters as much as the pandering in their positions. For example, look at Wonder Woman in that shot. No person can really turn their body like that. It was just drawn that way so you could oogle boobs and ass in the same panel. Meanwhile, some of them are sexy on their own and do not

That doesn't legitimize stereotypes!