I know she's been voicing the character for a million years, but how did no one suggest a casting change for Goku at some point? He sounds like one of those agitated rescue birds at a pet shop.
According to Sony, the console is priced at US$499 and will be available for pre-order via starting December 6. In Europe, the 20th Anniversary PS4 will go for €499.
Personally I didn't notice the ghost girl at all during my playthrough, and she doesn't appear when you re-challenge Phoebe after becoming the champion, either.
"You don't know how to rez anything. You don't know anything. You don't have a house, you don't have anything. You're two days old. You don't even know how to run your computer. You don't know how to get into stuff. I'm trying to help you, but I mean i—, y'know, I don't understand you. At all."
According to Nintendo, the Ver. 1.0.4 update will adjust game balance as well as "fix various problems to make the game more enjoyable to play." Nintendo hasn't yet gone into specifics regarding what exactly will be changed to tweak the game balance.
I never could get into these series. They always wind up in these holding patterns where no major progress is made for years at a time. It's a business, sure, but it gets so obvious that I just lose whatever interest I might've or could've had.
I'm in love with Daze's box art layout and arrangement. I feel disoriented in a good way, and better notice Kat against the expanded backdrop.
They also gave Final Fantasy XIII 39/40, so you know their opinion totally matters.
Proof that nothing is beyond redemption.
Woah! Go do something else for a while and cool off, because what you said was completely out of line.
It really doesn't matter. Pick your favorite color, or do what I do and pick the one with the hotter villain.
Soon, Archie. Soon...
They probably used that many photos to fill up the time it takes for Arceus' battle theme to finish one loop. It was composed for Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum where it played during an undistributed event. As far as I know, that music can only be heard legitimately at Sinjoh Ruins. Didn't want it to go to waste, I…
"The design was originally my idea," Shigeru Ohmori said. "Actually, with Slowbro, the fact the tail is being bitten is actually the source of its power—so the idea being that, if it was being eaten even more, then perhaps it could bring out even more power. Slowbro itself isn't changing. The thing that's actually…
Yet, that all weaves together in an oddly compelling way that becomes high camp. Bayonetta's clothes shopping gets interrupted by attacking celestial armies that she has to defeat on a fighter jet. Multiple times. Carefully wrought character designs fall away to reveal an enemy in a man-thong. A fast, techno rendition…
Players could automate battles in both XII and XIII, but:
Are you implying forethought and planning not only went into any aspect of this game, but the story at that? If so, I'm gonna go laugh real hard for a while, because that is a hoot-and-a-half.
I remember having buyer's remorse after buying it for $12.
Grunt and look at the ground? Are you sure he wasn't announcing his emotions like a loud robot throwing a simulated temper tantrum? Because anything less sounds entirely too subtle for storytelling this juvenile.
It's locked at 720p, too, so you might want to wait for someone to conjure up an HD patch before you check this one out.