Beau Dazzle

And I just now realize that MP in this game isn't a single pool but tiered. WHOOPS.

Look at all that care they took.
Touchable buttons, with borders that divide basic commands, and only three of them can display at a time at 1080p. And look at that plain font with oodles of whitespace without so much as an MP gauge to fill it with.
They took all the care in the world, which leaves me with no fucks to

So if I've got my math straight here, this is a port of a port of a remake of an NES game. Good stuff. Now where's FFVI HD?

Hurray for civility on the internet!

Sony is continuing its semi-crowdsourced campaign to help develop and promote its new zombie MMO H1Z1 with a series of compelling public-facing initiatives. Yesterday, the Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) team ran a 12-hour live-stream of gameplay from an early build on Twitch. It's still pretty rough around the edges,

Wow, even down to the weird-colored tongue.

So why does Venus get a chain? Jupiter wants to accessorize too, dangit!

"Let me start with the good, its not Moe."

Isn't she supposed to have an orb filled with flower petals or something at her hip?

That's hawt.

Not a great gel:hair ratio.

Look, all I'm saying is that I want that stuff off his face and on my fries.

That looks like ketchup.

That's a two-year-old comment, and I wish I had worded it less like the assumptious douche I was back then.

Garfield Kart ($1) | Google Play | Normally $2

Not many artists get to put "Killzone" and "erotic PC adventure" on the same CV, but hey, Andrejs Skuja does.

I'm with you there, buddy. I'm a guy and I L♥O♥V♥E my pink/white 3DS XL.


...That is one weird little reindeer thing.

So, why is it good news that Arkham Knight is leaving the Xbox 360 and PS3 behind? The thinking goes like this: If a game is designed to run on last-gen consoles, its next-gen versions are necessarily going to be held back from reaching their full potential. Developers can add a lot of cosmetic shine to next-gen