Beau Dazzle

A boat that players have no business visiting has a code to crack, opening the boat and revealing the sequel hook Easter egg within.
It's basically City's equivalent to the blueprints found in Asylum. You won't find it unless you know exactly where to look.

Now playing

I'm only seeing two women in this video, and they aren't in the audience.

Soulban is of course right, at least as far his idea of how it would be viewed as a business decision. Publishers have enough trouble with women in lead roles in video games, and it's 2014. The mind reels at the bannable internet comments you'd see in response to a badass space marine preferring the company of other

And yet the bride didn't dress up as the obviously popular Lightning, best and forever perfect character across all demographics (who read Famitsu) to sing praises for until the end of time?! What kind of Final Fantasy fans ARE they?! Scandalous!

Cutest goddamned thing I've seen this year.

My nails need to know his manicuring secrets.

"You mean 6 characters with no personalities that could be traded with one another with no difference."
Not unique to Final Fantasy XII.

I remember Final Fantasy XII. It was the one with more than two competent, responsible adults in your party who didn't melodrama their emotions every cutscene.

Players would have an easier time protecting the holy cookie jar with online multiplayer, that's for sure.

Can't tell, don't care: Both pairs of lips are equally smoochable.

Why not? Because I already have Xillia and Tales games have the same story and casts way too often. I may as well just enjoy the one with the latest battle system.

You have to hand it to Sony: They know how to make beautiful hardware.

Whoops! I thought "play" meant "portray" instead of "video games". My bad!

In the grand tradition of Mr. Bitch-Eat-That-Ho from Street Fighter comes this customer service complaint to Respawn, Xbox, and just about anyone who will listen. This guy is a fuckin' loyal fuckin' EA customer and he's fuckin' pissed that he didn't get fuckin' picked for the fuckin' Titanfall beta alpha underway

Billy Ray Cyrus?

Tasty! And I suppose that chocolate is pretty good too.

Someone finally noticed my talents!

Too many cats lose their zest for life right after kittenhood. Dogs are just damn happy all their lives.

16) "Xbox, Go Home" (Xbox One)

5) RT (Xbox 360)