Beau Dazzle

Resolution: I'd like to make 2014 truly a "year of 14" with not only the release of the PS4 version of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, but, among other things, we are also planning a tour which will give me a chance to meet with fans. Instead of settling down now that we're "reborn," I feel that we reached a point

If this were a present-day anime, no female character would be designed to ever wear a pair of pants into battle. Ever.

No show should have "massive chunks" of skippable episodes. Sounds like a crap program that doesn't know what the hell decent pacing is.

Mecha-Naruto. Yes. Designed by Naruto manga creator Masashi Kishimoto, Mecha-Naruto will be transforming into mechanical Kyubi form and piloting the fearsome Mecha-Kurama in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 4 next year. Believe it.

I didn't read the article. Best guess: Spar from Breath of Fire II.

I read about this on Destructoid just yesterday. Those are beautiful people with beautiful souls working hard to serve a sex-cellent community in a timely manner, I tell you what.


You know, to sexy them up


Aaaand saved.

According to Shuzenji Niji no Sato, there have been complaints and incidents regarding cosplayers, such as climbing trees, using the park's night time lights for their own photo shoots, blocking walkways for long periods of time during photo shoots, continuing photo shoots even after the park was closed as well as

Because homosexuality HAR HAR. It's 2013, and apparently still too much to ask of anime to depict my demographic as something besides weirdo molesters and outright rapists more than twice a decade.

A Persona rhythm game? Outta the way Fonzie.

More like justice porn. This was so satisfying to read. Everybody who helped teach that monster a lesson, take a bow and a long coffee break.

More like justice porn. This was so satisfying to read. Everybody who helped teach that monster a lesson, take a bow and a long coffee break.

...Sword-Chucks, yo.

While it strikes me as odd that they didn't of these things at first, I like that they're listening and doing something about it.


What does Symphonia do better than any of the other, better-looking 3D Tales games? They all have the same story and character archetypes, so why not go for the one made this decade with the more fleshed out battle systems?

Until then, enjoy YouTuber CoreSublime's rendition of another Afroman classic.