Beau Dazzle

It was my first M-rated game and had me on edge from hitting Start on the title screen.

X4 is the raddest game.

His life was empty well before getting on that train.

Jubilee represent!

I want to get little Psyduck hugs from Psyduck. Lookit his face! (Oh god, I have a problem)

Psyduck is the cutest lil' mofo on the battlefield!

Would Bang.

I gotta say though, that is a bea-u-ti-FUL shade of green that controller is sporting. I wish more systems came in earth tones.

I'll be honest: even though I've played through most of the Pokémon games, I don't really remember most of the villains I've faced over the years...with one exception, Giovanni.

I just want analog control and characters that have textures and fingers . That's it, that's all.

That's kinda what happens with most female characters in comic books anyway.

Just be aware that most, not all, but most who have played the games come away saying that the story and characters are possibly the worst aspects of the Final Fantasy XIII games. If Lightning Returns has the best gameplay out of the set, then I don't want you to exhaust your tolerance for convoluted, one-dimensional,

Man, you really don't need to finish FF13 or start FF13-2.

Didn't one or two characters get shot in the head in the first one, but the cutscenes never showed a drop of blood anywhere in the vicinity?
Hell, did any of Final Fantasy XIII show any blood, now that I think about it?

It ain't fruit, but it is pretty sweet.

But the goal posts kept shifting, ex-team members say. Every so often, Lucas would check in with the team, and as he grew to trust the staff behind 1313, he’d offer up changes, asking them to switch characters and rewrite the story based on what he felt would be more fitting for the game. Ex-LucasArts staff describe

If SHE says SHE is, then SHE is.

...For crying out loud.

"Will beta testers be allowed to share info about their experience and post pictures and opinions online?

Here in West Virginia, I always have to keep my eye out for globs of spit on the sidewalk and even coming from the people walking right in front of me. Ever though not everyone uses spit tobacco here, this nasty habit got spread around all the same.