Beau Dazzle
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I was hoping for a while that their Wizman's World RPG would get picked up for North America. Seemed like it ran with the idea Breath of Fire II had of fusing something to your characters for entirely different appearances and skill lists. And it used actual 2D sprites! I can't get enough of those things.

What was the reasoning behind naming the company "Jaleco"? I never could figure that bit of trivia out.

EDIT: Never mind! JApan LEisure COmpany

He has a barcode stamped on his forehead, LET THE MAN HAVE HIS KICK-ASS EYELINER.

So tempted! But 2K published titles pretty quickly get to be as affordable as mittens at a Goodwill in summer so I'm in no rush.

I thought it was okay. Not awful, not amazing. The game gets a lot of flack in general, but I still like it for what it tried differently.

Now playing

I still kinda go "wow" when I see the Ridge Racer portion of this PS2 demo reel, even though I'm sure they probably spent half a game's budget on those eight seconds alone. I can't help but hope that we're past the days of bullshots, as much as I don't believe we'll ever be.

Too much handsome.

From what developers have been saying thus far, while they will now be adding more graphical detail to future games, this is going to be counterbalanced by having to spend far fewer resources and work hours in tinkering, downsizing, and compromising to get them working on less capable hardware with very different

I'd try it once.

That sounds like a dickish thing to say.

Way to go with sweeping conclusions, yourself. She said it herself that she wants to become a French doll. I don't have a problem with plastic surgery itself, especially with its potential to change people's lives for the better. But this pathological need of hers to become exactly like a French doll would require

Was it that she didn't or couldn't ask her mom for her opinion instead? And if she recognizes what an ass her father was answering like he did, why did she still hold on to her unhealthy obsession?

Just, man, this is a little pathetic but most of all sad that she's convinced that she has to become an object to be

And now hard game design comes from shaking the cash out of us for DLC to make a game easier and limited controls from expensive, unresponsive cameras.

This isn't the way I wanted to relive my childhood.

If there's one thing I've learned from trailers of fake games and movies, is that if there's even a lick of interest that this will be announced as a full game within a couple months.

Gay scientist Dr. Weir is in the game to establish the setting of this game as being hostile to people who are "deviant". He is relevant. He was not conceptualized from a "checklist".

Your opinion is incredibly offensive to me. It speaks to a position of complete ignorance or sense of privilege that paints any game

But then there's David Cage holding almost all creative control over this: Two Souls stands a 50/50 chance of not being very well written or directed, and I say that hoping that it will be a good one this time.

Because even while games like God of War or Mario don't feature the deepest of characters, their motivations to do what they do (which is about the time you take the controller into your hands) is to save or avenge a woman they love.

You ask "why", and we ask "why not". It really is that simple. If you still find a way

I would say to them "You already do".

Such is the state of the industry, that most games of great quality don't have a single gay character. Gay characters or gender identity issues are definitely not always needed for every single game, of course not. But if a game is going to put the bullet point "A vast world with

And indeed one of the characters is African American, and was almost fired from the FBI for refusing to frame MLK as a "Red" in their effort to stifle the civil rights movement right before getting recruited by the Bureau.