Beau Dazzle

Put it this way, I'd care less about this writing style being used to cater to those demographics if there were even a little more variety in the products put on the market today.

I mean, a game like Bayonetta is delightfully dumb cheesecake and fabulous action made for an industry not hurting for it. And even though

Thanks for the reply, glad to have even more insight.

One down, one to go.

The combat in WA5 was great, but the story and characters were beyond asinine and melodramatic. Worse yet, the budget seemed to have been an issue, as there were all of a dozen or so voiced cutscenes the whole game, and the largest city in the game was all of two or so screens (this after hyping it up like no other).


First of all, thank you for your candid perspective from anywhere even near the walls of Square-Enix. If I may speak for others, it's nice to have even just a little bit more transparency from the company in general.

So that out of the way, quick question for you, and it isn't "what's your secret identity?". :)

That reminds me: Whatever happened to Wild Arms? I've never really like both the intent AND the execution of any single installment—Liked 2 and 3's characters, disliked the technical presentation and vice versa for 4 and 5— I still see promise of a perfect JRPG lying under the surface, still unearthed.

It's the difference between having every married NPC couple in a game being a husband and wife and having even a one or two married NPC couples in a 1,000 hour sandbox RPG being two husbands or two wives.

Now playing

Straight gamers and developers simply don't brag through their words and actions about how much they would enjoy having relations with those of the opposite sex. They're far too upstanding and self-disciplined to shove their preferences down us LGBT gamers' throats. They'd never be so inconsiderate. Never, ever, ever.

There's a certain kind of irony in a robot showing their capacity for humanity by sparing none for another.

I hope we can see a better engine with less copying and pasting of assets going on. Seriously, the writers had to bend over backwards to make excuses for why the women of virtually every alien race weren't seen until the third game in the series, or why there are seemingly only a half-dozen clothing choices in a whole


Bad writing.

College got to me. I haven't made it to Castaway Cove yet. I pre-ordered the game. Oh god, my free time.

It was okay, how's that?

Are these changes going to stay exclusive to Wii U? Will they eventually get integrated/patched into the PC version already on the market?

I'm more upset at the fact that not many female characters are allowed to wear pants or age past 17. It's stupid and immature BS, and I expected something a little more forward from the medium as a whole by 2013.

I always liked him better. Kind of the same case with Donald Duck vs. Mickey Mouse; one is designed to be more aware of the less sunny things in life and the inconvenience it can be to be brave or do the right thing.

Now playing

I know, I'm just as shocked! Yoko Taro and his crew at Cavia were virtually the only people at Square Enix that developed games and didn't take a giant dump of pure, steaming melodrama and middle-school-quality writing in our breakfast cereal and call it infallible art. Toriyama could learn a few dozen things from

Good voice acting wouldn't have saved that a trashy story, it would have only made it look that much worse, if that were even possible.

Her* drawing style.