Beau Dazzle

Why can't there be another Cowboy Bebop or FLCL? Not the same, but more shows on that bar of quality? How do you make something like that and then have the industry regress in its global appeal? Is that even possible? I'm so mad and confused at how Mr. Kon is dead, never to create another work of art, and all of

I don't see any winners in this argument. I too am one of the gay man who walk upon this Earth!

Points for trying with the glasses, but I think this is what you should have been aiming for.

I am sick. And tired. Of being told that openly acknowledging or talking about anything gay is "shoving it down people's throats".

If even EA, the abyss where creativity goes to die a slow death, can say "hey, we can and should do better on LGBT issues in our games", then what the fudge is every other game company's excuse for not doing the same.

Those dead eyes she's always had say otherwise.

I can't seem to find out for sure what the story is on that. Not that it should matter, of course, but I'd like to know if she's a trans woman or a straight ally of the LGBTQ community when off camera.


Always bugged the heck out of me that we never truly got the opportunity to explore Bevelle, despite two games set in that world. Another reason to hate X-2, I guess.

I doubt any sword in 2013 would be considered terribly functional by many people.

Oh for crying out loud, get rid of that tub girl image. PLEASE GAWKER.

I thought the entire process was just typing "RRRRRGH" for a few hundred pages. and letting the millions in royalties roll in afterward.

To overly simplify it, Persona 2 as a whole improved in virtually every way compared to Persona 1, sometimes by bounds.

I remember Atlus having found another stockpile of the game in, yup, another warehouse even before that. It must have been around eight years ago at this point, but my local Gamestop told me the exact same story you did and sold me a brand new copy (had a USED sticker on it because of inventory technicalities) for $30.

I think it's more that XIII is just an egregiously terrible JRPG when it comes to story and dialogue, and how it's melodrama has practically become the norm.

Now playing

I mean, the show wasn't fantastic and the only means of defeating an enemy lied in Kaze pulling a deus ex machina virtually every episode, as trusty and near unbeatable as the Blazing friggin Sword, but I'm chalking that up more to sloppy production.

Pizza Hut pizza has always been as colorful and tasty as a box of crayons to my particular palette.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

I like the longer buttons for sharing and options in the official design. They look to be easier to hit in so much that you don't have to stretch your thumbs very far, a boon if the options button is indeed replacing Start.