I like how the PS4 lets me expand my boundaries as a white man and play as a white man.
I like how the PS4 lets me expand my boundaries as a white man and play as a white man.
He shockingly is, too! No wonder he got snagged up.
I guess this whole thing is somewhat comparable to stuff like Bleach being aimed at youngsters in Japan and yet bought by older guys here in America.
To me at least, Soul Sacrifice looks through and through like a console experience in this trailer. Maybe a scootch too close to the established Monster Hunter formula at first blush, but I'm glad this game is being made for the Vita in the first place.
Those are totally from the same PS2 game; the one on the left for battle, the one on the right for cutscenes.
Because he has no personality beyond being "that one guy in the red headband."
In a gaming industry where Famitsu gives Final Fantasy XIII of all things a 39/40, it's refreshing to see *anyone* in Japan actually being openly critical about something they love.
A million times "yes" on the Fast Forward suggestion. Reliving our childhoods does not necessarily mean we have that many hours to burn as well.
The intro just had Mokoto standing with her butt facing the camera, feeling her lips, and showing off her butt in tight pants again, while all the other characters are just doing neutral relaxed or tense action poses.
Personally speaking, the shoulder buttons always felt too loose in their slots, and the d-pad was too sharp around the edges.
What the Jiffing Peanut Butter is wrong with you.
That's not as bad as Lightning Wants to Return Final Fantasy XIII For a Refund sitting pretty at No. 6. I swear, they have no one but themselves to blame for "games" like FFXIII being made, and the spineless ass-kissing we saw in that infamous 39 out of 40 from Famitsu won't turn the tide.
That header image seriously makes me want to see a true follow-up to the style and design of Mega Man 8.
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master is easily one of the best ninja games I've ever played. I've always wondered why it seems to play second fiddle to it's rougher-around-the-edges older brother when it comes time to discuss quality Genesis games.
Your point being? When I can't stop tripping over AAA games getting 60-90% discounts after being on the market for all of 2-3 months, not being able to buy used doesn't bother me so much.
When we've seen Aya Brea, a female lead character who didn't let any man disrespect her, who did her job maturely and professionally, and who *wore pants*, get reduced to the spineless sexualized, infantilized doormat we saw in The Third Birthday, anime problems have clearly bled into game problems.
I don't think Cammy would be anywhere near as popular if she wasn't wearing that battle butt floss.
Never heard of it, but I know I've seen a million games that look just like this.