Hey Nintendo, you know what would be a real innovation for the core Pokemon series? DIAGONAL MOVEMENT.
Hey Nintendo, you know what would be a real innovation for the core Pokemon series? DIAGONAL MOVEMENT.
-Xenosaga I-III
"It's a remarkably grounded, nuanced tale."
I would be more disappointed in an author who couldn't figure out how to end his own story in under two decades.
Only sometimes? At least in the anime I've watched, I can't easily recall a female character wearing actual pants as part of their regular outfit.
I am a complete sucker for quality spritework. Hope this meets with success.
And would the compelling stories about the compelling characters be anywhere near as compelling if every character were instead genderless drones with nothing but platonic, coworker-esque relationships with everyone else in existence?
Well the fact that you thought a single particular game out of the tens of thousands available on the market today was worth any of your time is something to note. It meant you personally valued it enough to play at all.
I feel the same way. It's rather discouraging to hear the justification of this being that a new game will only sell at full MSRP if they play like Call of Duty or once again star a handsome, grizzled, straight, white man who uses at least two guns. I can't help but wonder why it is that game developers have not yet…
A female character vying for male approval? Way to buck the trend, Anime.
I'm grateful for The Walking Dead adventure game, but are... Are we ever going to be DONE done with zombies?
I hope they get around to releasing Persona 2: Eternal Punishment on PSP eventually. It's my second-favorite Persona game, and I'm worried that it won't see the light of day in America. :(
I think the bigger question is "Does Square-Enix even care about what non-Japanese customers think about or want from them?". It wouldn't surprise me (though I'm cynical) if this cafe cost them more than localizing all those games you mentioned above for the western market AND actually finishing a single piece of…
I think Nier broke the chart, but to be fair I haven't played it in a while.
EA holding their ground against homophobia in the gaming community is more of a "basic human decency" thing than a "smart" thing of them to do, but it's appreciated all the same in this industry.
I'm pleasantly surprised. I honestly expected a 15-year-old hacker to post something like Goatse as the background image on WBC's Twitter, not the "Pray for Newton" image. It was nice to have my cynical expectations challenged, and above all a nice thing of that kid to do.
I've played IV a lot, but I just don't see the appeal in it anymore. There's not enough customization options for my tastes. IV's design contrasted III's by having characters being inseparable from their roles in combat, which is fine! But you weren't allowed to customize much even within that frame (like, say, giving…
I'd have been perfectly fine with running down the Tube in FFXIII if the story had been any good, and the characters had the capacity for making logical conclusions or knowing how to not loudly announce their emotions at each other instead of talking normally.
I found this out only recently myself. Nothing makes you feel worse or potentially motivated than hearing about what everyone else your age has already accomplished.
I'm in exactly the same boat! I love the style and whimsy of the Layton games, but I've never gotten into them proper. Is the "magical" element to this game's story more in line with Layton's or Wright's exploits? Because I've seen people turning to stone and sprouting wings in a Layton game and people being possessed…