Beau Dazzle

Dante is hella cute this time around, and I'm 100% okay with this.

You forgot to include:

I too think she is trans. If so, more power to her. Japan isn't the easiest place to live for those in the process of transitioning.

It took me way longer than it should have to add even three items to my cart and checkout the last time I was on there. I think it needs serious improvements under the hood, because the design of the interface itself is not that bad.

I don't understand why it being "new territory" is any excuse for The Pokemon Company be "a little sill[y]" and charge people $26 like this. Are we supposed to assume that they operate in a vacuum? It may be their first official product on the iOS app market, but that doesn't also mean it's the first time they were

You and me both.

The only woman in the "Future Samuel L. Jackson" sketch is an object of desire. Uh-huh. Status quo. Got it. Okay.

After showing a trailer of "The Phantom Pain", a game featuring an extremely helpless man without full use of his legs and wearing a prosthetic arm being hunted in a hospital, THE VERY NEXT THING that is said afterward by Samuel L. Jackson is something to the tune of "What is a good video game without a badass

You put "Legends" and "3" near each other in the same article title. Stop reopening old wounds, Mr. Hamilton!

Now playing

Princess Jellyfish manages to avoid most of these, I think. It stars a group of uber-geek NEET college-aged women who aren't stupidly attractive.

I remember that too! For a game with a silent protagonist, that's actually a small but appreciable bit of cohesion between gameplay and narrative.

I would kill to have my guy characters decked out in sequins, we'd be the most fabulous mercenaries on the station. They'd call us "The Doe-Eyed Bomb Squad" and it would be awesome.

No way am I seeing this. That homophobic author ain't getting my money.

I bought Fallout: New Vegas and Dragon Age II mostly because they were gayer (please read: more gay and lesbian inclusion) than their prequels. Does that count?

I bet is paying Nintendo is signing this intern his non-existent check right now.

This is off-topic, but I like how this poster has Hulk's butt facing the camera in the photo above despite being partially covered by Robert Downy Jr.'s sexy face. Reminds of the Black Widow brouhaha covered by this Jezebel article:

It's kind of flattering that they like our performances better than that of their own. Granted it's an American movie, and subtitles can help iron out localization issues, but still nice to hear all the same.

I think even the general American population knows there's more to the Japanese diet than sushi, not just us geeks.

I really like this image. It's shockingly endearing and relatable.