Beau Dazzle

It's like Nintendo only releases their systems in the -good- colors right when they're on their way out. Poo.

I just want a purple one, frankly.

Dude, you're out of line.

These arrogant kids don't know about consequences yet, so they just do anything they want and get shocked when jailtime is mentioned as punishment.

I'd seriously think about getting that Prince of Persia HD Collection if not for my hearing that it's pretty buggy, and I'd only would want it for The Sands of Time anyway.

I hear the 4mb patches are completely free to certify. Konami could just weigh whether extra work to compress the patch or certifying the larger patch as-is with Microsoft costs them more. In any case, taking the third option "Oh, just fuck it" is the crummiest thing of them to do. Konami has Metal Gear Solid money to

Because THQ gave them the game they actually wanted and bought, only glitch-free. I can't see that as a bad thing.

That is goddamn adorable.

Even with the number of studios that have the devkit on hand, I still wonder how he's not getting caught.

I think you might have hit the "reply" button five too many times.

So, why don't the people revolt?

I live in WV and virtually every other adult I see is noticeably overweight, even to the point of morbid obesity. I'm not one to believe the constant jokes about kissing cousins others have about the state, but I'd be more inclined to believe something in my state's culture is at the root of this health issue compared

I hope this business practice dies down soon. Maybe not go away completely (I'd kinda like that, but it wouldn't be fair to others nor realistic to expect happen) but a return to Japan's creativity, innovation, and ability to spin a good yarn like they did in the '90s and early '00s.

I can't imagine girls and young women would feel very comfortable around imagery like that, and I'm sure that not every single one of them would be called normally be called a "prude" in their day to day life.

Is it really that much different than one coming out of a sex shop with their purchase in a nondescript-type bag? It's basic, basic, basic courtesy for everyone involved.

I don't know. You'd think that there'd be protests to stuff like the sale of drawings and comics of naked nine-year-olds, but unlike America's proverb "squeaky wheel gets the grease" Japan more commonly adopts "the nail that sticks out gets hammered".

No one is stopping you from buying anything at Comiket, are they? It's just one appeal from one fellow member of your community to please be considerate of those who don't want to look at that kind of imagery.

Sexy stuff can be great, but there is a time and place for everything. I just hope the fans don't get too riled up about this and claim that it's something like censorship when it's really just about being tasteful and having a teaspoon of social tact and consideration of others.

I didn't even preorder Persona 4 Arena, and just for waiting a day or two I get a $10 discount w/ free shipping AND the bonus CD from Newegg. Very nice.

I realize that every game developer is in it for the money, and I'm at peace with that. But it still comes across like a crummy thing of Konami to do all the same.