Beau Dazzle

Can we even hope for a 1.03 patch for PS3 at this point?

Doesn't Konami have oodles of Metal Gear money to throw around? Why cut corners like this?

And to think I get miffed at having to avoid stepping in the fresh spit on the sidewalk.

So, what, the players lost and got sent through time to try saving the now recreated world all over again? What's the story's justification for this again? (yes, I'm asking a modern Final Fantasy's story to make sense, I'm aware of the futility)

"Shitty" was simply more fun for me to say than "awful", I'll own up to that much.

And yet another character in a maid fetish costume.

That was just a whole bunch of noise and pointless fluff. Japan's game industry doesn't know how to innovate or spin a good yarn like it used to.

We learn this -after- Fallout 3's $6 Steam sale ended?

I'd say what Aaron is saying is not quite hateful, but more along the lines of a confrontational statement over the reality China's very real shortcomings. I'd be just as quick to say that the religious zealots over here in America are a very real embarrassment when compared to other developed nations, especially when

To be fair many of the more developed eastern Asian cultures could stand to actually act like it's 2012 and narrow their massive gender relations gap. It's especially obvious in a technologically advanced democracy like Japan when you see they still have their gender biases and even xenophobia get portrayed in their

That's very very true. However, to be fair we do at least have the decency to get -permission- from the original creators and/or rights holders first.


What is Spider-Man now a tuxedo-wearing mime named Grendel?

...I'm not seeing it. Your mileage may vary, of course!

I don't play it (want to, but I suck so hard at the game) but I hear that Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is getting yet another re-release with characters like Cyclops and Megaman. Let's hope that if it turns out to be true it doesn't end up splitting the user base into new servers or encourage a deluge of trade-ins of Ultimate

Then why isn't it all DLC? Why can't they futureproof this with a "Hey, a new update is out! You must download it from the XBL marketplace before you can enter the online arena, world warrior!" This way you can have everyone download new character data without forcing them to buy anything new to ensure full

I understand that a couple of male characters expose their chests in the trailer and in BlazBlue in general, but it still feels sexist for nearly all the female fighters to be wearing only either hotpants or "notpants" in the form of the miniest of miniskirts. And I sure don't see a battle speedo or some kind of

I'd feel a little, teeny-tiny bit miffed if the extra missions in the inFAMOUS Collection turned out to be exclusives, assuming they were quality of course.

I just want the characters to not look like piles of angry triangles.

This looks like an absolute nightmare to keep track of. A fundamental of a good GUI is to never interfere with one's ability to play. The information overload on display here seriously needs to stop.