South Korea's government comes across as a scootch less soul-crushing than that of China's.
South Korea's government comes across as a scootch less soul-crushing than that of China's.
He really needs to get on finishing Radiator Episode 3.
Cinnamon Life. That stuff satisfies the sweet tooth, is filling, and is pretty friggin' economical. Like, if you compared two cereal boxes of the same size and dimensions, and one of them was a box of Life, chances are the Life will come with more ounces of cereal in the same size package than Special K or Corn Pops…
Some moderation is usually a good thing. I've always gotten the impression that a good deal of Japanese men are literally working themselves to death and then relax by diving into the miniskirt of a virtual schoolgirl or otherwise completely disconnecting themselves from reality.
I wish there was more of the Shinesman sentai anime beyond the two episodes. It was dumb fun having an office worker-themed sentai team battling aliens that were trying to take over the world with both monsters and cutthroat business practices. "Businesscard Cutters" and "Tie-clip Bombs" were some of their weapons,…
I like Persona 4, I do, but this needs to stop.
I honestly looked away as I did it and killed Issac because of it. The game actually -forces- you to watch and actively participate, which kind of speaks to the strength of videogames as an interactive medium. That's not something that can be avoided by messing with some sliders in the options menu. You can tweak SFX…
His name is Super Zombie.
I'm playing MW4 right now. You all jelly?
This is just me being incredibly cynical about this, but this lends some validation to the suggestion that MW games are pretty goshdarn interchangeable.
Cool. Then I can be judgmental of them while you be judgmental of me for being judgmental. We're all even Steven.
For what little it counts, the digital version of War of the Lions loads faster, but it shouldn't have even been an issue on the UMD in the first place.
I fail to see these series as being even a little about artistic expression at this point with a million installments and growing. It's like they care only about money at this point instead of mostly about money.
Wow, Cammy and Chun-Li aren't decked out in butt floss for once.
And that's the thing: sometimes they -don't- grow up, and it's a horror to behold when that occurs.
Nope, never did I suggest that all people who enjoy anime are weeaboos. But I have met a few in person, and heard personal accounts of anime convention horror stories, and it isn't pretty.
Weeaboos are among the most annoying, socially maladjusted young people you will ever meet.
According to their genuine Father's Day video, Anthony and Ashley said that Papa Burch legitimately loves games and can remember as children watching him lying on his side, on the floor, playing Super Mario Bros. on the family NES. It must be pretty great to have a parent be such a good sport about modern things and…
I saw the header image and immediate thought of Ashley Burch.