Beau Dazzle

It would be pretty nice to play Fusion and Zero Mission on a full screen without shelling out for the whole Game Boy Player setup.

Still waiting to legally buy Power Blade and Terranigma from you, Nintendo...

Or come one degree too close to having a mature, face-to-face relationship with an adult woman. Might scare most of the Idolm@ster customer base away.

While I don't think I'm ever going to get the game, I love the philosophy behind Rhythm Heaven and watch that wrestling video from time to time. Always a delight!

That's kind of pathetic.

"The tiny screws are so small that one -cannot- simply cut new slots into them", is what I meant to type.

Looks like a big help for my PS3 HDD casing! The tiny screws are so small that you can simply cut new slots into them. I had never seen screws strip so fa—Wait. That was going somewhere weird.

That Ditto theory is legitimately intriguing.

I never loved Dragonball and Jem was before my time, so I just kicked it with Sailor Moon as a kid.

Ditto. At least by the time they do release a revamp— and they will, just like every handheld they made before it— every game will be so cheap our wallets will thank us.

I would say why, but then we'd get into a pissing match over it. Let's not.

It's not that they're anime characters (Persona 4 did just fine in that regard, and just about all others), it's that they look like Muppet Babies while we are told they are adults. To me, it's an awkward approach for the serious-ish story they are trying to tell.

Whops, that "seems like a huge oversight is all" comment was meant for an article on Dragon Age 2! I remarked that events happening over weeks is what is portrayed in the game's visuals while the text and dialogue says otherwise, creating a bit of a storytelling inconsistency. My bad on posting in the wrong place.

I was thinking "this has Paul Robertson written all over it" even before the robot puppy tank showed up.

An idiot with an extra thirty dollars in his pocket.


Just seems like a huge oversight is all. Events may as well have happened over a few weeks. If the presentation isn't in step with the narrative, you're doing visual storytelling wrong.

"The movie takes place in the span left hollow by the game, the three-year period between the destruction of the Kirkwall Chantry and Varric being dragged in for questioning."

And that's the sign for me to spend my $30 elsewhere.

They look like angsty toddlers fighting over the Holy Cookie Jar or something. Why do so many Japanese game developers make their games look like this and yet expect us to take their stories and characters seriously?