Beau Dazzle

Dragon Quest isn't exactly known for mixing things up. It's always a generic troupe in generic tunics muddling through a high-fantasy world, dealing with episodic mini-dramas with a final boss that is virtually always a pink/purple/green horned demon. Plus the music is always composed by some millionaire crazy

What's Haunter doing freelancing? I thought he/she was rolling in Pokemon cash by now?

It would be nice if they just renamed the darn thing to XV. I think we've all had enough of XIII and it's downright awful storytelling. The more distance and the cleaner the slate the better, and isn't that what Final Fantasy is supposed to at least partially be about?

I friggin' loved Nier. It's the only HD Square-Enix game I own.

They didn't have a single HD game on at the show that wasn't made by Eidos. That's pretty concerning.

As long as the writing's good. I think they've got gameplay covered already.

Did that really need to be over five minutes long?

They're different genres, but with Half Life 2 making a good story out of a linear roller coaster ride, why couldn't Final Fantasy XIII do the same after paring down everything from cast size, explorable environments, and all forms of variable gameplay?

I left feedback that this wasn't as insulting to my intelligence as the juvenile, melodramatic bullcrap they've been feeding us the last four years has been.

I agree. To those who say they shouldn't "pander to western tastes", I say it's more a case of "not treating the players like kids".

So long as it has a great story it can look like dirt for all I care. That said, I love how even though Square staff like Nozue and Nomura had small hands in this Motomu Toriyama didn't get anywhere near it. He probably would have made the woman act like an eight-year-old despite her age or repeat something as obvious

That's not atrocious for a handheld, but is downright unacceptable for a controller.

Well, not everyone would look online to pay attention to rumors about cutting room material to fill in the holes. That's the editor's job to make the story more comprehensible, not the player/viewer's.

I only played the console version and very, very little of the PC version, so I'm not 100% up to date on the hat kerfuffle. :)

It was back in December 2011, you might be able to find word of it.

The hardware specs are nice enough (the below average battery life isn't even that much of a sticking point for me), but it's just the way the layout is presented, organized, and feels that gets my goat. I sincerely hope they address some common complaints with their next iteration of the system.

Why should I get both? Like dracosummoner said above, if a game emphasizes story above all else, even to the point of having that comprise the entirety of the experience, then it better not foul it up once forced front and center. David Cage's work has always failed in that regard (you become a super zombie fighting

What I'm saying is that they -cut- the supernatural story element after finishing it (they had a whole "level" built around it and completed) and left everything else that was explained by it in the game.

I took advantage of a Target misprint and got PS+ up through the very end of 2015 for around $50 (sold 1 year cards for the 3 month rate. They had to honor it!). Glad to be able to get Hard Corp Uprising for free, because I was having trouble even justifying getting it for $5.

Canceling PS+ won't mean you lose access forever, only just when you aren't subscribed. You will have access to free games like these for "whenever" you have the service, not so much "how long". So if you were, say, a member every other month, you would have access to these games for every month you're a member and