Beau Dazzle

For what little it counts, there is the suspend function on all Wii Virtual Console games that let you drop and pick up where you left off freely, kind of like those quicksaves in GBA games that deleted themselves after reloading. The 360 version coming sometime in the next month or so is probably being done by the

I may wait for the 360 version. I finally got the better 360 controller with the honestly decent d-pad and want an excuse to make it go through the paces. Plus, it's supposed to be a whole collection, so the $10-15 will be the better value.

Will this new realistic art style cause a clash in story and tone with the first game? I mean, I prefer this new style, but it might get a little awkward reconciling the two installments.

I don't think the comparison to breaking street date works completely here. When street dates are broken on physical games, whether or not the consumer has any influence on the decision, the final word on whether or not a game is sold early lies with the retailers and the publishers.

I'm kind of worried about the shift in tone. I'm all for the realistic one they're going for as it might tone down the Saturday morning cartoon feel the original had at times. But, would it run the risk of a retcon at some point?

Japan has this weird attitude that women are both to be revered and inhuman at the same time. This game does little to suggest otherwise.

Have zero clue what you are talking about. Is this another My Little Pony thing? It better not be another My Little Pony thing.

He's basically another Republican, just unaware of the irony of running for an office that he wants to be nearly powerless.

I think I'm done with Family Guy. The comedy is just sapped now with no dynamics left between characters. They're now just excessively cruel and violent to one another instead of merely being socially awkward. Out-of-place soapbox commentary born from McFarlane's suddenly inflated ego just drove me up a wall.

A first-person dungeon crawler? A generic as all get-out dark world/light world theme? Pass.

I've noticed it too, at least when I used to watch anime. They always drew and proportioned the thing to be as big as a planet it was ridiculous.

Cool for telling us this two days after the fact, Kotaku.

"Based on Norse Mythology, the world of Ragnarok Odyssey[...]"

50% of JRPGs seem to be based on Norse mythology, why is this a bullet point still?

Can be a good and bad thing, but we all saw what happened with Other M. Maybe they should save the heavy writing for their refreshingly cynical-toned Mario RPGs.

Neptunia. Its barrage of fifteen and twelve-year-olds in glistening bikinis and thong armor aren't doing anyone any favors.

Well, it's a Nintendo game. There's all of 1-3 paragraphs worth of story to each of their titles anyway, more often than not.

GAWD I miss Satoshi Kon. He didn't pull this kind of bullcrap.

That's honestly cool! Here's hoping that they're cartoonishly sexy too. I've always said cheesecake is a great dessert to a hardy meal of beefcake!

I'm talking about the boobs so much as the need for the artist to draw power acne on all of them.