Beau Dazzle

Double post! My bad.

Even if they did plan -that- far ahead, putting one single hint at the beginning of the series and completely dropping it until the last ten minutes is just a darn silly thing to do.

Even if they -did- plan that ridiculously far ahead, dropping a single hint at the beginning of the series and then having zero follow-up until the last ten minutes on the entire series is just a darn silly thing to do.

Beat me to the punch! But yeah that was pretty damn spot on, I have to say.

Might I just say that that is a beautiful piece of art?

I might, maybe, kinda sorta shell out money for that Persona 2: Eternal Punishment port, but not this genero dungeon crawler.

"Tales of Poodadoo, set in the world of Estelianna, where a mysterious energy called BLASTIFORCE makes AETHER CALIBERS and GIGASPHERES and I don't know what."

If there are going to be 15 years of Tales games with racism as a theme but no (positive) examples of homosexual characters, then it's just rings hollow to me.

To be 100% serious, we're long overdue for some tacky, out of place beefcake to balance out advertisements like Soul Calibur V's. Fair's fair, dudes.

The series does tend to blur all together, doesn't it? Just have a villain fiddle around with a magical element of nature to neferious ends, switch the faces around on the same archetypical cast members, add a one-off battle gimmick, and voila. Instant Tales game.

The series does tend to blur all together, doesn't it? Just have a villain fiddle around with a magical element of nature to neferious ends, switch the faces around on the same archetypical cast members, add one battle gimmick, and voila. Instant Tales game.

I think Dragon Age II would have worked great as a Vita game. Smaller-scaled story and lesser expectations overall wouldn't have hurt it. Should have just given it a subtitle instead of a "II", made it clear it was more of a sidestory than anything, and more (not everyone but more) people would have been happy.

I want a partner like that. Suburbia with two kids sounds nice.

You'd love Weeaboo Stories over on Facebook.

They were all -exactly- like that. No women in SOLDIER.

I was NOT expecting to see Jack. I squealed like a little girl for a few seconds, I will admit.

I don't care if I'd get paid $2 to TAKE a copy, I don't want that cliched, sexist, animu crud that is Star Ocean.

It reminds me of that Okame game where the main character is a boy with a demon king that possesses his shadow is looming over him all the time.

It's pretty easy to tell they are all young men, muscles structure, jaws, flat chests (not simply a case of thick, inflexible chestplates hiding things) they're all guys. I feels more like an oversight or just sexism (even if unintentional) at work.

Finally! I've been wanting to play their games, but don't own an iSomething still.