Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I've only -just now- gotten around to playing it, which is awful, I know. But hey, at least it's the PSP version, so it has the most stuff included/least stuff cut!
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I've only -just now- gotten around to playing it, which is awful, I know. But hey, at least it's the PSP version, so it has the most stuff included/least stuff cut!
I want a Final Fantasy V by Matrix already.
I missed Bayonetta! She's as campy as ever.
American and Japanese titles respectively, that's all there is to it.
Well if you count Crisis Core (and I know I'm on thin ice with that suggestion) they show plenty of SOLDIERs, faceless grunts of different classes, and none are women.
Am I the only one who's noticed that there was never a female SOLDIER in any bit of Final Fantasy VII?
First of all, let me just say how this isn't an issue of fans getting upset because the conclusion wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. I thought as much about the fervor until I beat the game myself.
If the story never ends then it's just for the sake of making money, instead of being a story worth telling AND making money.
What trailer? I'm just getting a Joanna Newsom performance on the harp in the video.
Wow, Serah might just get some ankle-length PANTS for once.
Daaaang, he's cute.
Dude, double-tap Right and hit Punch! Jump kick, jump kick!
So, yeah, the fleet eventually starves to death in Sol (Quarians and Turians especially need food Earth can't quite provide) AND the Mass Relays exploding all over the place ought to kill nearly every living thing nearby as we saw in Arrival back in ME2. That'll save the day for everyone, forever! For sure!
I will.
First of all, let me just say how this isn't an issue of fans getting upset because the conclusion wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. I thought as much about the fervor until I beat the game myself.
First of all, let me just say how this isn't an issue of fans getting upset because the conclusion wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. I thought as much about the fervor until I beat the game myself.
So the all-female Reyvateils are all psychological nutcases that must be given extensive therapy to be effective squadmates. Yeah, that doesn't send any questionable messages.
I am really digging that trailer music.
Why does no one like the Engineers?
Didn't like the characters nearly as much as I did the cast of Persona 4.