Beau Dazzle

Shepard changes all the time. If my Shepard is gay, then my particular Kaidan is bi. If your Shepard is a straight woman, then so too is your variant of Kaidan straight. The world, cannon, surviving characters and their relationships change all the time in Mass Effect according to each and every player's actions. This

Samara was pretty cool. Not many Mass Effect fans clamor to romance her compared to the likes of Tali.

Everyone loves bacon.

It's the shuttle pilot from the demo. No, I'm not making that up. Lieutenant Steve Cortez is the main gay romance for male Shepards. Kaiden might pick up any slack as a bi(oware)-sexual with the same dialogue between both Shepards with no sexually-based pronouns, but that's all we know.

I've been saying this for years; that for all the hundreds and thousands of alien creatures and worlds beyond imagination, the only human characters that ever seem to pop up that creators think we'll ever need is the generically rugged space marine, a man named "Whitey McHet".

It -is- pretty dumb.

Can't access it. Password protected and everything.

I'm going to make a radical suggestion, but here goes...

Sexy (for the man) and disgusting (for the otaku) all at the same time.

Yeah, not to mention Sora having a Nobody running around, an additional literal carbon copy of him at one point, and Vanitas in his spitting image for no adequately explained reason. I think they do it just for the shock factor. Oh! And let's not forget that Ventus, Aqua, and Terra are also meant to evoke Sora, Kairi,

You mean all the different versions of -everybody-. Nobody can die and stay dead, and everyone just ends up as a reincarnation, piece of, or analogue of somebody else.

Eternal Blue was fun enough when I first played and beat it, but the amateurish voice acting, the inconsistently proportioned spritework (human NPCs your size who become bosses are suddenly 50 ft. giants on the battlefield while your party stays almost exactly the same in battle and out), and the -super- repetitive

He looks young for 90!


The wigs are AWFUL.

I'm aware of that, I just wish it weren't true... :(

What sticks in my craw is that they have complete retail copies to muck around with but won't sell them to us until two weeks later.

Fart fart

What a weenie.