Beau Dazzle

Maybe if the rest of the industry did it's part Bioware wouldn't feel like they have to pull all the weight themselves.

I wouldn't be arguing the finer details of a story that included the line "Change the future to change the past." if I were you. It's a retarded story made for retarded school boys and foreveraloners. Japan isn't the center of the universe. Get over it.

I'll bet Square-Enix'll still figure out some sexist bullfuckery excuse to stick Serah into a miniskirt or hot pants branded with an eye-bleeding high-res N7, charge everyone $5, and call it a day.

Serah looks like she's fifteen, sounds like she's thirteen, acts like she's ten, but is technically twenty-one.

And hey, we gays had to start off with depictions like "Boys in the Band" to get our foot in the door for more positive portrayals in film. I'd gladly take one or two cheesy romance lines from gay characters in a game like DA2 or Mass Effect 3 if it means a game (with marketing to spare) that is trying to sell me on

It's not shoehorning it in or pandering if they're actually including it in the first place. Maybe not every game world not set on Earth is filled with only straight people like a lot of gamers want to believe?

Hm, Zelda. A lot of investment just to play the same game two dozen times.

Well, the writing being of a lesser Bioware calibur is still Bioware writing. And a script with sometimes generic dialogue with Bi(oware)-sexual characters in a gay-averse industry is a far cry from the outright misogyny I see in more than a few games these days.

I honestly never played the first one. How exactly is DA2 worse? (I'm asking in all seriousness, because nothing seemed outstandingly bad. Granted, I'm comparing to Motomu Toriyama's special brand of bullcrap, so I could be comparing two entirely different degrees of awfulness)

I hadn't really thought of her writing as awful by any means. Why are these hoards not spamming Square-Enix's Twitter with hate mail instead if they have such a beef with bad RPG writing?

Was I just sold on a Far Cry game? I think I was just sold on a Far Cry game.

Nah, nah. You're right about my oversight there.

But it's Japan. Place can be more patriarchal than the Pope.

I've gotten too accustomed to simultaneous worldwide releases. My bad.

I loled.

I'm all for non-white protagonists, but I just wish he was in a game I'd be more likely to play; one less gross.

Also, I notice that Noel doesn't have any complementary beachwear in this update, not even a conservative pair of trunks. But hey, Japan made another fictional female character that doesn't wear real pants and been explicitly made to look and act a lot like a little kid, so why stop now the Inequality Express now.

If they're immediately putting out DLC, then it's little more than pay gating everything. If a developer creates and releases DLC several months after the core game's retail release, then an argument can be made that it is truly extending the life of a game. In Final Fantasy XIII-2's case it's just "freemium" without

Suikoden II sometime this decade please, thanks.

I'm usually all for digital editions because they save shelf space and perform better, but this is the very first time (that I know of) that an official digital version stacks up poorly to an official retail copy of the same game. If I could be assured that digital copies perform with less slowdown in a tradeoff for