Beau Dazzle

I do -want- to get in on the series, but they make too many installments in such a short period of time that the barrier of entry to the story is just -too dang high-. Four console installments and at least two or three portable ones in the span of five years is pushing it. I don't pity the wallets of those that love

But don't retail copies of Vita games come with shorter loading times compared to digital copies running off of Vita memory cards?

Maybe if Japanese men keep turning up and paying for artificial affection, maybe they ought to be focusing on why they feel they need it in the first place. They go to maid cafes and the like for the feeling of companionship or platonic affection, not necessarily sex. Or maybe this is just the common mindset behind

Never though I'd be saying this a few years back, but— TOO MUCH PERSONA 4. Real it in for crying out loud!

Japan keeps rolling out that excuse that it's okay and totally not creepy to draw stripperiffic twelve-year-old girls by saying "oh, but they're really thousands of years old on the INSIDE." What the fuck?

Oh, my mistake. I only played the first game for all of an hour spread over a few days.

The ogre went twice first.

You mean he hasn't already in Mass Effect 3? (Old joke is old, I know)

It's pretty much for lonely weeaboos.

I don't really like the guy.


My Commander Shepard looks like me and shares my name, but I kept him effectively chaste because no gay romance options ever turned up, try as I might with Kaidan and Garrus (OH GOD THEIR VOICES SO GOOOOD). That will change after five long years, come Mass Effect 3. About time too, because Shepard's got some internal

The new voice actors are just REALLY hamming it up, for me anyway. I can't listen to them without thinking they were voicing this with a melodramatic anime mindset instead.

I donated $2. Damn it.

I preordered the special edition of Mass Effect 3 instead of the vanilla version BECAUSE they vowed to put in gay characters and relationships this time around. You get more good press than bad if you do something like that.

Two million Star Wars books should not be used as a defense or substitute for shitty character development in the first three movie episodes. It's not appropriate there and a text database for the sake of exposition and explanation shouldn't fly any better here.

Her hair looks less wooden now!

There was no backstory. I never truly knew any of these characters, even after beating the game. Why is Hope mad at his dad? I don't know, something "teenagery" is to blame I guess.

Plus the physical copies load faster from their original game cards than they do from memory cards.

I'd be fine with a smaller game with a focused cast of fewer calculated characters. But, I imagine that the issue of creating something for external reasons, like for profit more than artistic vision, is always going to be there. Why are there no Drell or Yarg(sp?) in ME 1? Because they realistically hadn't thought of