Yeah, it did get to the point that I just broke and bought costume DLC just to put Miranda and Jack into something very slightly more appropriate for fighting to the death.
Yeah, it did get to the point that I just broke and bought costume DLC just to put Miranda and Jack into something very slightly more appropriate for fighting to the death.
Hmm, Jacob's outfit did hug at all the right spots now that I think about it.
I bought costume DLC just to make Miranda appropriately dressed for fighting to the death.
I never got it in Mass Effect 1. Found myself unusally close to getting 100% of the Achievements in ME 2 though (I was shocked!), so I decided to make one more playthrough just getting the Inasnity and Paramour acheivements to round it all off. And then I'm probably not touching ME 2 again for a long, LONG time.
They have. Look up "Steve Cortez" on the Bioware forums. He's 100% GAY, and will never, ever pursue a romantic relationship with femShep.
I'm saying I enjoy Kaidan's voice because it's like smooth jazz.
And oh, THAT VOICE. Like my ears are being spooned.
I never really thought about that before! But, to be fair, you don't really go planet-hopping on dead, purple worlds with death-inducing temperatures in Mass Effect 2, or at least nowhere near as often as ME 1. Usually just jungle planets with old facilities or merc bases to clear out, you know?
Actually, Ashley will be in armor during missions. The blue officer's uniform we've seen her wearing is like James' white t-shirt in that they're for downtime only.
Psychics were way too powerful in the first game in that they may as well have been super effective against all Grass types too, seeing as how all but one (Tangela) were part Poison.
If he can just focus on getting a little thinner, he might not have as much trouble snagging a potential girlfriend for a casual date in the first place.
Still don't want one. D-pad still isn't good enough, -way- too stiff. DS emulation a little off too with blurry or tiny screens. And then there's the battery and second nub which is just SCREAMING for a newer 3DS model 18 months or sooner down the road.
We can't get any Facebook attention either?
I'm still waiting for Birth by Sleep, Valyrie Profile, and Crisis Core to be released on the SEN Store. For fug's sake.
Weeaboos love that crap.
If the games have to be more serious, I ust want more subtlety is all.
I don't play military FPS's, but I'd be willing to give the game an honest to goodness chance if it's actually bothering to have manly characters that have human emotions instead of macho dumbasses who just rage at everything until the world is saved.
Well, they printed, like, MILLIONS of those things. It was made to be a multi-disc Final Fantasy-esque epic and it didn't take. People can't get rid of the game fast enough in most secondhand places.
"Die, MORE AND MORE!" I played it up to just short of the last dungeon as a kid, so some of it never left my head. I wish it would. Please make the voices stop.
Yeah, medieval Power Rangers. Woo. I'd rather walk on hot coals than hear "Ya! Ya! Hup! Di! Doh! PURR-KEE STEPPE!" again.