Beau Dazzle

That Shepard? Key-yute.

Same here.

Tebow's a fundmentalist, anti-choice jackhole.

But wouldn't his sexay self just look so good in a nightie?

Bloodwynd sounds like a Liefeld character.

Motomu Toriyama wrote the Sector 7 and Honeybee Inn sections of Final Fantasy VII. Alas, with so much screentime of those scenarios trimmed down, it is a bygone era when there was such a thing as editorial control at Square.

More power to them, I mean it!

I beat XIII. The story this time around doesn't look to be any better.

Should have called Hors "Horus" and made him a sun god horse while you were at it.


11) Turn off your mind or risk losing it.

"enhance the experience and complement the narrative[...]"

Is there a reason why Diana Allers is wearing such an outfit as either Normandy crew or an Alliance news reporter?

Who's the first guy, in the second screenshot?

Now playing

The only good that came of Final Fantasy XIII for me was the SHOCKINGLY GREAT creepy and etheral-like vibe of the final dungeon. But that's it, that's all.

I stopped reading the article when the reviewer said the game was well-written.

She has a face you can practically make out now instead of "almost" make out.

No, thank you. I'm not going to risk bricking my console, especially seeing as how the games I already have on it are registered to the hardware itself and not any sort of cloud-based account.

When I was young, I played old SNES RPGs and Megaman and the like on ZSNES. I had to cheat like crazy with Game Genie codes and save states to win, but it really helped to hold my hand and introduce me to so many games. It really did.

I hate you Star Wars.