Why does that first screenshot look like the spotlights are on them to dance?
Why does that first screenshot look like the spotlights are on them to dance?
How many games is this now? Five? Which ones are sequels and which are expansions? This is almost as bad as the Assassin's Creed series.
Producers of Mass Effect 2 at the time were claiming they wanted "PG-13" romances in an "M" rated game, which somehow meant that queer stuff would be too inappropriate. After dummying out a same-sex Kaidan romance in the first game and not trying to incorporate anything like it in the second, I was getting worried.…
Gay characters and less insane cup sizes? Bioware is slowly turning Mass Effect away from that boys club it was slowly turning into.
Weebs would eat this up.
I've heard the joke before. And yet it STILL makes me smile, thank you!
He does seem like a great guy, I'll give you that.
Bobbies don't affect me, so the cosplay itself looks pretty plain to me. Not that I could ever make any better, mind.
Fair point. I had heard that western meddling had set in motion the events that set up the current theorcracy in the region.
It keep coming across to me that, if the middle-east can't get their shit together after this many millenia, should we even keep bothering with the region? At some point maybe we ought to just cut our losses and focus on the oil we have up north instead.
Why use a doll like that to promote a moeblob porn game? You know the doll's eyes aren't big enough for the lonely losers to fap to.
I never understood the hate for Flo. Not great, but not awful or grating to me. Am I missing something?
I have a soft spot for Garrett Hawke, myself! That campy voice, tasteful facial hair, and a bod that isn't 'roided up were all great qualities to see in a male game hero.
When she was in full combat gear and holding off tanks and helicopters and shit? THAT would be a better example.
She WAS getting naked half the time in the original movie, and I -wish- I could say it was some sort of symbolism at work.
Every time you hear public domain classical music, you know you're watching a trailer for something that's trying to be funny but never will be.
Still feels a little too soon for me. If you raise the standard for graphic fidelity, you risk shoving away more small developers.
Yeah, well I guess life just isn't very fair if Satoshi Kon is still dead and these moeblob cowpies are still on the air, racking in all the moolah. Kon showed more of human life in any one of his films than all of these "slice of life" movies, TV shows, manga, and light novels starring planty-flashing, toddler-acting…
I agree. I figure that if the story in a game is great, mediocre gameplay shouldn't sting as much. The gameplay should at least good enough, and they actually showed some inclusiveness with gay and lesbian characters this time around. Shouldn't be too much to worry about, honestly.
Mass Effect 2 was much more enjoyable than the first game, if only because it wasn't crippled by lackluster environments, constant slowdown, and combat that ultimately felt more like checking off the grocery list.