Beau Dazzle

I just want the FPS X-COM. I don't care if it's some sort of red-headed bastard child of the series, it still looks super promising and I want to see how well the developers handle those those civil rights issues with the supporting cast they kept going on about.

I thought it was bordering on ripoff, not actually done by the same guy! Huh.

Oh crap, I totally had a nostalgia overload. I used to spend Saturday mornings around thirteen years ago making myself some thick, boiled down, dime store ramen with extra curry powder added, all to eat while watching my favorite cartoon at the time, Digimon!

Convoluted isn't the same as "deep". But tell that to the fifteen-year-old weeaboos, and they'll think you punched their grandma or something.

Ocarina is "amazing"? Whatever technical merits it had have long since been eclipsed.

Jak & Daxter had an awful story! Why would I want a book written by one of the guys in charge of it?

I'd rather just lump it in with Nintendo being wishy-washy. Remember the near-absense of first party content on the Wii as of late, and how they were so eager to just forget about releasing Xenoblade in the US despite having a showing of the game at E3 a few years back? Nintendo has this "Daddy knows best" attitude,

Did they even put out Mega Man 6? Or X2 and X3? They just stopped at 5 and X. Nintendo (of America) just seems to half-ass every new endeavor. They're certainly idea people, but when it comes to followthrough? EHHHHHHH...

I don't want any.

I liked DA2 if for no other reason than for the fact that it was as gayer than any Bioware game before it.

Like Mass Effect, but with half the budget, am I right?

No more Wii Virtual Console games, eh?

Prince Daisy looks dandy!

Children's toys: IT'S SERIOUS BUSINESS GAIZ. I swear the lengths some grown-ass adults go to over stuff like this.

Yeah, hearing that the people who stole from me did so because they were just so admiring of my possessions will make me feel loads better about the whole thing. That totally puts things into perspective right there, how blind I was.

"[...]while a shape-shifting dog with Marcus Fenix's voice in a heartbeat."

Just what the heck is wrong with the companies and government of China? It's like blatant, unrepentant theft and disregard for human life is their status quo or something. A hair more than our country and others', anyway.

Ditto. Stuff like that isn't exactly an artistic statement to illuminate the complexities of the human condition.

I might want a chatpad, but only if it was at a rockbottom price.

I'm sure they'll make an exception for Star Wars, seeing as how Lucas and all his business partners would lose millions in lost sales of branded Xbox LIVE avatar props if they were pulled from digital storefronts.