Yeah, how does no one question how thick Bruce Wayne's neck is in those thin three-piece suits? It is DEFINITELY a male power fantasy, and its all I can do to try to turn that back on the creators by objectifying it instead.
Yeah, how does no one question how thick Bruce Wayne's neck is in those thin three-piece suits? It is DEFINITELY a male power fantasy, and its all I can do to try to turn that back on the creators by objectifying it instead.
While Batman does have a nice bat-booty in the Arkham games, he's not exactly baring a midriff or running around with only the briefs and boots comprising the lower half of his costume.
If he wants to focus on fidelity and cutscenes so much why doesn't he just get into REAL cinema? Same goes for David Cage.
I play my PS1 games on my PS3. With a lack of L2 and R2 on the PSP, you can't mix and match analog and d-pad control. If you choose to use the nub, you have to use it in game menus too, which is not the most intuitive set-up.
That's shockingly interesting.
Well this is a silly thing for them to do. I want to keep my PSP games tucked away in a single folder on my PS3, where there's ROOM for them to roam free, happy in the sun and green rolling hills and not dead in the ground and-
A land filled with gay barbarian beefcake.
I don't feel too bad that this happened.
I'm just burned out.
OKAY, WE GET IT. Zelda is officially a "thing".
NEWSFLASH: Alan Wake's story wasn't what I'd call "intimate". "Cornball" is more like it.
I'm ashamed to say I logged enough hours into X-2 to get two Iron Dukes. I am beyond glad my weeaboo days are behind me.
IX was my first console RPG. Was just about my only game for quite a while even when I was a kid. I'm not kidding when I say I played that game over a half-dozen times.
That's... shockingly good.
They get the idea for XIII-2 and put a rush order on it to be finished by early 2012 all in roughly 16 or so months time. We're still waiting for the comparatively more reserved, less rainbow-bubblegum-flourescent-farts style of Versus XIII to even near release. Have been since 2006.
Yeah, they actually seem scared this time around instead of confident in that "hey, we're the beautiful, charasmatic heroes! We always win in the end!" sort of way. This should hopefully do well or better in that department. If -absolutely nothing else-, the gameplay should be solid with the money that comes with…
Now while I own Uncharted 2, I've not yet had time to sit down and play the Single-Player campaign yet (a bit of multiplayer, but that's it). That said, if a game is written and directed well, I don't mind having some control taken away from me for the sake of narrative. If they can tell a good story with characters…
That's an extreme sentiment, but perhaps also understandable. It's like if Square doesn't see what Toriyama does as sexist, then that's a problem. If they do pay attention but pay lip service stating that stripping Aya naked is somehow feminist, then that's also a problem. Either way, you have a patriarchal…
Fun fact, Revenant Wings wasn't intended to be a story set in Ivalice. It was also written by the same sexist, talentless hack Motomu Toriyama that worked on the technicolor headache you see above.
I'd say that the Japanese ideal of an unaging, virgin beauty of an idol may have a hand in what's keeping the designers from actually aging her, but then I'd be called out by weeaboos as a horrible monster for suggesting such a thing of Glorious Nippon.