Beau Dazzle

XIII and The Third Birthday were also written by Toriyama. I figure, if this pinhead can't handle dimension-hopping, alternate realities, and metaphorical, metaphysical -nonsense-, how the hell did anyone ever think he has mentally equipped to handle the comparatively basic time-travel in XIII-2??


I can understand and even support simple writing in a game. But to have -bad- writing at any level is bull-pucky. I don't care how much they opened up the gameplay, if Square's going to keep listing a "deep and moving story" as a bullet point they'd better BRING IT.

I'm sure Noel and Sarah will find some way to emo all over the battlefield when they mess up a QTE. They'll probably do it while speaking exclusively about made-up proper nouns in a vaguely faux-Latin tongue, and then repeat themselves ten seconds later because we obviously didn't hear them the first time. Sitting


Unless they put in gay characters and some good writiing, and take out those danged awkward live-action segments, I'm not touching this.


It's like, I want to give it a go, to maybe become a fan, but they make the barrier of entry so dang high. I have the same hang-up with the Assassin's Creed series. Already at four main installments and so many handheld titles in 5-ish years time, it somehow got to the point that having too many games on too many

Why can't they stop making MGS games and move on to something else? The lore is so thick and constantly breaking the fourth wall with its endless tream of in-jokes I can't ever hope to get into it!

"Revengeance"? REALLY???

How can a game like Minecraft be made hideous? I'm not saying the game looks bad, but aside from making the blocks look smoother around the edges, I can't really see how the graphics can be any different on any setting.

It seems the 360 version includes logs of recipes and schematics, so it should be easier to play than the PC version.

I actually don't mind the ads as much as I did last time. You don't actually have to wade -through- them and only wade -by- them this time.

It is a little creepy, I agree.

Now playing

Mr. Zimmerman of Destructoid already beat you to it, Kotaku!


I LOVE the way he talks.

It looks really sweet. I'm getting the feeling though that the Japanese comments aren't being so supportive or good-natured.

There's sexism in both hemispheres, but I see more of American game women be like Alex of Half-Life and Elena and Chloe of Uncharted, who can actually say "no" and fire a gun, and plenty of Japanese game girls (or rather you can't call them "women" with a straight face) blush, cry, get embarrassed, and are frankly

I'd be fine with cheesecake if there were beefacke to balance it out, either both in the same game or another game with nothing but beefcake. But there isn't, and with more female gamers all the time, the boys club mentality needs to be phased out.