Beau Dazzle

He is.

He did! So smooth, it looked.

I have heard of some people setting up new UK accounts just to play Vagrant Story and Breath of Fire III (digital) on their PSPs.

I'm hesitant to say Japan as a whole has any real respect for women.

I think I've seen this somewhere before. It was either at GayGamer or Destructoid.

Sooooo many months since you first posted this, I know. Anyway, Xenoblade is still technically not related to Xenosaga, but a strange thing to note is that its Japanese web address was marked with an "SX4J" instead of an "SXJ" or "SXBJ". The Last Story had a URL with "SLSJ" and with "J" standing for Japan in all

I swore that if no news came as of February, I would import a PAL Wii and Xenoblade. Glad I waited! Hopefully I won't have the same dilemma on my hands with The Last Story and Pandora's Tower.

I really do hope this game isn't going to be canceled or changed too much from what we've seen. I'm still really liking the story's themes and style, but I don't know if I'd want to play it so much if it became a top-down strategy game. Which, yes, I know the series once was.

Damn it, that is exactly why I DIDN'T post an image.

How is anyone supposed to even process that last screenshot in a real-time battle? COME ON!

EEEEEEE, omigawdomigawdOMIGAWD I can't wait! Fangirling out right now!

I'm sure Noel and Sarah will find some way to emo all over the battlefiled when they mess up a QTE. They'll probably do it while speaking exclusively in a vaguely faux-latin tounge, and then repeat themselves ten seconds later because we obviously didn't hear them the first time. Sitting through all of it will result

Am I the only one thinking that it's flying backwards because it was breathing that fire? Y'know, jet propulsion?

Oh god, have you seen the underside of horseshow crabs? They look almost benign from above, but turn them over... *SHUDDER*. Like some eldritch horror! I don't know how even one person can find them cute.

I don't know if I should play an Engineer or Sentinel this time around!


I know, right? :) They give you way too many moves and then you can't even use 1/4 of them before walking into a death-dealing 35 hit combo!

I wish I could motorboat those smooth, toasty buns forever and a day.

Then I will gush in private. I wonder if they sell posters of him like they did Pam Anderson..?

Are you saying a big man like yourself can't handle one ounce of the objectification that women have to put up with?