It's that tiny little goatee and the wavy hair that really seal the deal for me...!
It's that tiny little goatee and the wavy hair that really seal the deal for me...!
The image of the toddlers(?) attending high school is scary enough.
Anytime you hear someone complaining about the inconveniences of political correctness? That's the calling card of a straight white guy that doesn't want to change anything for the better.
That's about right. I've always said that if you can't put female characters in full battle gear just like the men, then put the men in barbarian war thongs alongside the women in the amazoness battle bikinis that you like so much.
Gawd, why is he SO CUTE?! It's unreal!
I just can't entirely rule out the possibility that someone likes something for entirely the wrong reasons, like not realizing the gay stereotype is meant to be exageratted and fake, but instead seeing vindication for their beefs with campy gay men. But hey, interpretation helps keep art alive, yeah?
It's true it can be a slippery slope, I will give you that. But most of the time that I hear about "equal-opportunity offenders" it ends up being another white guy that wants a way to openly call someone a wetback and I just kind of roll my eyes and quit thinking there's anything deeper to it than that.
Put it this way, if LGBT in San Fran were to laugh at Bruno in a theater, it's fine. If straight people were to laugh at Bruno anywhere else or even in the South, you can't immediately presume that they are laughing for the right reasons. If I'm somehow presenting that in a way that makes some sense?
Oh man! I had this one guy, total slob, remark the "political correctness is a cancer destroying America." and shortly afterward claimed that "black people for the most part have earned their stereotypes as criminals in this country". This bullcrap from a student at a place of higher learning at that. Criminy!
Toh-government should get out of our lives-toh, toh-liberals are pussies-toh. Ron Paul's running with the Republicans. Same diff, honey.
I can empathize. That last quote is exactly how I feel about South Park, a show largely written by two straight, white, conservative men, telling me as a gay man when, how, or even IF I should get at all offended at their constant use of the word "fag". Because "fag" is a fun word for them to say you see, and me and…
D'aww, you're fine! Still though, kind of makes the rest of the VA stand out. I mean, how many people does Liam O'Brien and Yuri Lowenthal voice in New Vegas, exactly? Must be at least two dozen, all sounding exactly alike.
He voiced Arcade Gannon. PROPS.
I've always thought (PvE) stood for (Players vs Enemies). I guess you learn something new each day.
It's his opinion. You have yours, and you seem to be in the majority. This is not something to lose your shit over.
So many hot pants, short skirts, and thongs. The game industry needs to do better, or else its never going to lose that boys club image.
You can't look up pants.
Wait a minute, they're only NOW deciding on the setting when they have to get the game out by December next year?
I've noticed that all these anime shows starring young girls are watched by anyone BUT young girls. It is creepy once you get under the surface, especially seeing as how Japan's sexism is so deeply ingrained that they can't be bothered to have more than a fraction of their female characters wearing pants at any one…