Beau Dazzle


Yeah, I'm definitely saying that Valkyria Chronicles can't have a very good a story if they shamelessly dip into this well of pandering bullcrap.

Usually the rule than the exception. Street Fighter and Ninja Gaiden aren't exactly known for their stellar writing, and takes every opportunity to flash Cammy's ass or some SIXAXIS jiggle boobs.

Besides being pandering as shit, of course.

You know, it's not a crime against humanity that nobody's getting Valkyria Chronicles 3 over here. I mean, come on, how good can the story be if they're putting out cheesecake toys with fucking nipples STRAINING to get out their string bikini top?

Now playing

Or the Little Danson Man in 'Little Danson Man'.

Fair enough, but Final Fantasy already had two fighting games. Let's leave the series be for the time being.

I just see a damn slick-looking man. Don't know who this "Ted Danson" person is, but whoever he is he can't compete with that steely gaze that utterly turns my knees to jelly. That cocked "come hither" eyebrow? -swoon!-

Yes, us wide eyes are clearly inferior.

The characters of Final Fantasies 7 and 8 have and will appear on Nintendo's systems, like that rhythm game for the 3DS.

I would expect such a mature name from the series, that is to say, when it isn't taxing all of its brainpower to think up something as complexly titled as "Park".

e-Peen or NO SALE.

What was the game? I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly would like to know.

Ubisoft may be overdoing it, but I can at least understand where their extreme anti-priacy actions come from. Those Indie Bundles still had people stealing downloads, even when you could pay what you want.

True, but there's a heck of a lot less piracy on the HD consoles compared to PCs.

PC gamers pretty much dug this hole themselves.

"Oh poopy, how disasteriffic."

More fun, yes, but just as dumbly written.

THANK YOU, that was bugging me.

Gravity Rush and Uncharted right there to start with look really promising.