That is an impressive starting lineup! On paper it seems like the PS Vita has the 3DS beat in every way!
That is an impressive starting lineup! On paper it seems like the PS Vita has the 3DS beat in every way!
Is Irem even making anything anymore? I mean, the only game of theirs I was really looking forward to was Bumpy Trot/Steambot Chronicles 2. Whatever technical problems the first game had could have been rightly addressed on the new hardware, if for no other reason than the PS3 being more powerful and forcing them to…
Glad to know they had some kind of well-intentioed motive in making games that were a wee bit educational. What was it called again, something-learning? Where you get a hint of something in a game or movie and you go out of your way to learn more about it yourself? Extra Creditz covered it but I can't remember the…
I find that a guy's wang is easier to look at most times than that formless eldritch abomination, the "vajayjay".
Pretty much. The Japanese can't be bothered to put forth any other image of gay men in their media, and their nerds are the worst. We have to be jokes to them, so they keep perpetuating that we are jokes with no positive gay figures or characters to balance it out.
I like it. It's very clean and snappy, loads faster too.
Fair enough. Final Fantasy XIII was just a giant technicolor headache, and I've seen a nameless grunt soldier from FF VIII, wanting to wait until next paycheck to propose to his girlfriend, showing more depth than the childishly written main cast of XIII. I mean how can you have only twelve or so characters in the…
They were obviously writing as they went along. Hell, they gave every hint that they were going for a generic fantastical sequel before doing a 180 for Grittytown. And the disgruntled race car driver is the final boss? Come on.
I'm kind of surprised nobody's ever cosplayed as Ziggy from Xenosaga, only KOS-MOS. I mean, it's not like he's lacking for swimwear.
Dude, it's the same character archetypes fighting against some man who wants to abuse the latest magical element of nature for some well-intentioned world domination. Phonons, Blastia, Aurora, Spirits, Mana, I mean COME ON, the list goes on.
How did they even do the last one? PC Mods?
Screw Chuck Norris. He's just some jackass that shills Total Gyms using the money to go to a REAL GYM.
This will be the only Collector's Edition videogame I will buy for a long long time.
Baten Kaitos Origins was one of the best unnoticed JRPGS ever. Shame not many played it.
But here's something to ponder.
Figures the game with a guy's name in it will have same said guy as the sexiest character of the lot.
I like the naked chef hunk.
I'm unoriginal for saying this, but Lady Gaga is a delight. I really don't go out of my way to listen to much music, but what I've heard of groups like Panthelion, Bill Evans, and The Noisettes is nice.
Anime has become a wasteland as of late. All those directinless moeblob shows are terrible or the industry, reducing every piece of media down to only appealing to the lowest-common denominator demographic. It's a sad state of affairs.