
So, hey. The Obamas aren’t in the White House anymore and can let their hair down. At least they observed protocol, laws, and tradition while there. They are not political anymore - they will live a more normal life. Whether that means a large advance from a publisher or a round of golf, it will be their choice to

I am old enough to remember many of these diseases. No one held a chicken pox party. No one wanted their child to have measles. In fact, when I attended a public school here in Louisiana, the requirement was to be a vetted as your dog might be today. We had to have our shots before we could go to school. Of course,

Weirdly, I am with you here.

Now playing

Also, we will never get a response. People throw these remarks into the wind and never look back. Amish, Catholics, Mennonites, Baptists, Lutherans - mkaster never has never cared and never will. This approach only makes it easier for those who consider those like themselves to be special. We will walk every day

I attended first grade in 1957. We as pupils were not allowed in the classroom without vaccinations. At that time it even meant smallpox. You had to have your shots, rather like a dog today. The adults took this seriously.

The conversation here is about that children should be protected and vaccinated. This is about when they certainly should be and yet are not. Immunization is actually vaccination. It is the same thing when we talk as laymen.

Why on earth would a rational person allow a disease that can be prevented to wander among those who cannot afford to be immunized?

I was born in 1951 and believe me neither of my parents allowed myself nor my brothers to catch any disease in order to provide us with later immunity. At that time there was no vaccine for many diseases which shadow us today. They took all of us each and every time that another vaccine was available. I had chicken

How on earth can Jesuits and the Amish be conflated in your understanding? I really would like to know. This is a real question. Yours was an odd remark.

I certainly hope that all the fathers of those MMR unvaccinated children may not want another child. In adult men who contract mumps this is not life-threatening, but often produces infertility. Might be a positive side product.

Today might the day you confront him about that. There is no virago, no shrew, no bitch for doing such a thing. Simply a simple request that this man respects women as much as he respects men.

What does this article have to do with your remark? I thought this post about diet was interesting. Your post about what women do today is absolutely beside the point.

The truth is that I aimed to the wrong place. There was someone else. I am sorry. This was not aimed at you. Please forgive me. If you don’t I will understand.

Bribed seems the most likely choice. Also, why can’t these customers talk to their doctors about Viagra? If they can afford to support this black market, they can pay for that.

Bless your heart, you were born yesterday You are a nestling whose feathers aren’t dry yet. We can together give you a civics class, and also a history one. The most important sentence I could write or text to you would is that you must know that your personal experience will never equal another’s in the world.

Now playing

Sadly, I have a tendency to keep things simple like

I have outside shoes and then I have inside shoes, maybe slippers. My floors aren’t insulated.

The situation has always been more serious than a television program. It is always about human lives. Good wishes to you.

If only it were that simple. It is not. Like you and wish you well.

They learn it from their parents. They do. Children wouldn’t know how to hate without being taught. They have to be carefully taught to do it.