
This is why I can get behind a mumps epidemic. Not really life threatening, but prevents anti-vaxxers from breeding.

Especially because there aren’t any female Jesuits. And I don’t think that exact style of head covering is worn by Amish, or any other plain Anabaptist group, though that’s a more understandable mistake.

As an adult, you should also be able to get “booster”-type shots for MMR; I believe it’s just the actual shot. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if they want you to get just one, or to come back later for the second.

Okay, Great North American novels. Great English language novels taking place in what is supposed to be the former United States of America. Call it what you like.

Planned Parenthood should rent these guys out to just stand around silently.

Ya know, seared lamb chops with mushrooms and pine nuts might be pretty tasty. Although we are separated from our Neanderthal cousins by tens of thousands of years, we still share some things in common. Don’t tell any creationists, though.

Wait, I’m confused. Then who stands to profit off of this? Surely someone has to make money off the misfortunes of others. Do you mean that everyone just pays into the same system for the common good of everyone? That seems suspiciously unselfish and therefore unamerican.

It’s worth remembering that the “Secretary of Defense” was the “Secretary of War” from 1789-1947.

How else will their pee-pees get hard? It’s like none of these idjits have ever heard of Viagra.

There should be no such thing as a private prison. I would love to see them all shut down. Of course, like everything evil, they will only expand under trump.

Just a reminder that people who are being held in immigration detention centers are not being punished for crimes, but these centers are nonetheless run very much like prisons. I think the operators may not always understand the Constitutional significance of the fact that these people are not criminal prisoners.

Anybody who has not seen the John Sayles movie Matewan should immediately go and and watch it - it’s available to stream online. The cast is amazing - Chris Cooper, Kevin Tighe, and James Earl Jones (“They calls me Few Clothes”). If you can watch that movie and not become a union supporter, you weren’t paying

I’m going to go out on a limb here: there’s not a woman who will read this post who doesn’t already do this.

The Catholics, for all their foibles, are at least pro-science for the most part. I am glad that you had a nuanced education, luckily I was only stuck in that school for three years during middle school (or Jr. high as we called it back then)

Yeah, from the description this didn’t sound like any Catholic schools my friends went to growing up. That being said, I’m from California, not Florida, and I’m most familiar with Jesuit education which is its own brand of Catholicism.

Nope, protestant. Mine was a Baptist school. The Catholics are on the bus with science, American protestants... depends... but not so much.

See, the irony is that ACA was originally a GOP plan that was put into effect in Massachusetts by.... Mitt Romney.

I think there may be some mental illness, so that’s why I think everyone should just leave her alone now. I was as horrified as the next person when she was first outed, but I recently saw an interview with her and, oh lord. We should all just leave her alone.

Yup. Before the election, I was talking to a coworker about Nazis and how there are far more around us than he realizes and he didn’t believe me. This is one thing that I don’t like proven right about.

It is hard for us Black ladies out here- however we don’t call ourselves White and point to how our blonde hair was better than Jessica Simpson’s.