
Bantam hen eggs. Duck eggs. Domestic and available. Tasty.

I am not a person who consumes uncooked fish. The tips about buying fresh are excellent. Cook it quickly and enjoy. Of course, I live in a city with fresh fish mongers. Those who don’t might have to refrain. Unless Dad and Mom fish and bring the catch home it’s hard to know where it comes from.

Don’t tell other they can’t? This is a representative for a state in the United States? Jesus wept.

This is horrifying. Writing as a person whose entire family lies in a cemetery, as a catholic person, this is actually scary. The dogs of war and hate have been loosed.

We still music love into our 60s. I thought then pretty pretentious. We loved these musicians, we love their world. At least the president didn’t want to blow up the world. I swear to a god, I wish to be in a world at zero anywhere.

Yes, it is Yes, it is excess. I clutch my pearls. I have them to clutch. I do not have diamonds. Yes, it is what we might call nouveau riche. Yes, everything this man does is frightening. His bad taste is the least of it. Hey, if you want gilt and golden curtains, that’s your world. Be happy with it, just leave the

It is apparently realty based. I am not certain about that. I know about this

I am old, I am Southern. The only reaction I can have to this is ‘Good God Almighty, what the heck is happening?’ Dear God may be looking down upon us, but we must address this mistake.

It’s lovely that you get to. make jokes. 45 is a menace to the whole world, not just to us. It is getting scary out there. It is actually the real world. This man is in a few weeks destroying every alliance we have. This man is a threat to everything we as democratic citizens who uphold the law 0f the land hold dear.

I am aghast. This man, 45, stands next to the Israeli Prime Minister and refuses to acknowledge that acts of anti-Semitism and racism are on the rise in this country. JCC requiring security guards. Attacks both physical and vocal against the Jewish community among us. Those rats feel that they can come out the

They roll with extermination. We must roll with impeachment or at least the threat of that to rid ourselves of corruption. Too many folks here find it easier to spout of with hot words than with action within the law of the land. Together, we can corral this egregious move for power. We have done it before, we can do

When nations, whether allies or nominal adversaries, agree upon any limitation of an ability to destroy our world everyone wins. The fact that that the executive officer of one of the participants even entered his/her new position not being aware of such a serious topic is deeply disturbing.

Pinocchio noses is a very good way to put it. Well done.

That is the point of having white veterans in front. Volunteers only need apply!

Seriously do not worry about this at age 23. You are young. I was your age in the 1970s, married at age 32. I have been divorced since 1989. Life is fine. There is no valid or real reason to worry about this. If you find that right person, you will know. Don’t settle for second best. On your own is OK. This is not a

I’d say, come on down to New Orleans if you weren’t pricing of us out the city. We are looking at gentrification of my neighborhood. I used to have around here a number of musicians, Mardi Gras Indians, regular people who had jobs. It is getting really damned expensive around here. Not to mention that our former

‘I wasn’t in a room of kids protected by the safety net of wealth.’ That to me, was the beauty of public school. We were all there - 50s and 60s - every one of us. The mayor’s son. The janitor’s daughter (who won a National Merit scholarship). Some indifferent teachers, many people who were invested in what we were

The mind is engaged while the body does mindless tasks. Anyone can wash dishes, mop a floor, vacuum, scrub a toilet - you don’t need your other attention on these tasks. It’s like dancing with the mop to make that more enjoyable.

Check them out from your public library.