
Right, but we’re not comparing his action-movie salary to her indie-movie salary. They’re in the same movie! It’s the same movie.

I don’t know. I think these tweets are nice.

Sounds inefficient to me. And very bad for the earth.

Hmm...that is an acceptable answer then. I’ll allow it.

Dear Lauren Evans,

I think we’ll be able to tell how long Madeleine Davies is on holiday by how many comments there are about LEAD vs LED before she fixes it. Unless this is a test to see if we all explode from bad editing? In which case, well played. Consider my face twitchy.

The Telegraph article said the LONDON OLYMPIC LOGO looked like a Swastika or spelled “Zion” NOT THE CHESS LOGO.

I can believe Meryl Streep didn’t know b/c I can believe the Weinsteins wouldn’t pull that shit with her. She’s been a bigger deal than them for longer than them, so they’d probably both kiss her ass. Not every woman in Hollywood could say that, but Meryl Streep certainly could.

Haha! I mean, the hippest person who works for the OED is Susie Dent. Susie Dent. There’s no youthquake in their offices, that’s for sure.

Rich white American woman who refuses to get political in public? Yeah, this year is going just fine for her. Let’s not forget this little gem from 2009:

There isn’t a FUCK YOU big enough to express what a horrible human being you are. But I suspect you already know that and revel in it.

I definitely get what you’re saying, but in the case of Catholic priests that’s not going to happen any time soon. And not just because of the widespread abuse and coverups among Catholic clergy. The seal of the confessional is so important in Catholicism that it’s hard to overstate it. I mean, not as important as

Like it or not, priest-penitent confidentiality does not have exceptions based on the crime. Just like attorney-client privilege. If you’re American and you tell your defense attorney in confidence, with no one else in the room, that you committed murder, they can’t tell anyone. Period. I mean, they can’t get you to

Wait, Suits is a Canadian show? Oh geez, I had no idea. I’m Canadian and I’ve only heard it referenced b/c Prince Harry is with “the chick from Suits.” I just assumed it was some cable network American Scandal knockoff or something.

Actually, Blacked Out, James DeRiven’s comment was much more interesting than yours.

Oh god, that’s the worst. I’m so sorry. I wish I could reach through the computer screen and offer you a rum drink and some sort of chocolate peanut snack. And a puppy.

Hahaha! The Rock test is awesome! But I know for a fact that my brother-in-law would turn into a simpering fanboy if he met The Rock, so I don’t think he should use this technique. It would definitely lead to more problems for him.

EXCELLENT. That is personally all I want most men to do. Most men I know don’t need to stop working at their jobs, or stop going to family dinners, or stop being my friendly delivery guy, or whatever. But a LOT of them could benefit from that simple conversation in their heads. “Is this exactly how I would treat a man

Oh right! I forgot how easy it was to flag comments now. Remember how cumbersome it used to be? Yeah, I probably should have done that. :) :) :)