
Actors promoting a TV show should feel free NOT to have to answer nutty—oh, I mean “tough”—questions. Why do we all feel so entitled to people like Zendaya? Oh right..not all of us do. Men do.

I don’t care how comfortable they are, those are the ugliest shoes I’ve ever seen (barring perhaps individual toe shoes). Never in a million years. 

I know! And if the answer is, “I’m so sorry, but there’s a pretty limited list of prescriptions we can give you that’ll still be safe for the baby” then that’s fine. I understand that. It’s the attitude of, “Well, yeah, pregnancy is tough, but the baby is fine so what are you even complaining about?” It can be so

I hear ya! When I carried my daughter to term, I became more convinced than ever that free and easy access to abortions for all women who want them is the only way to go for society. It’s just tortuous to force a woman to surrender her entire body and life for nearly a year against her will. My baby was (thankfully)

Agreed. When my sister was in college, she had an unplanned pregnancy and opted for adoption, but the cost to her was enormous. My mom and older siblings basically disowned her for getting pregnant (it was the 80's, so I guess that still shocked them?) and she ended up being alone for most of the pregnancy, supported

It’s like they didn’t even see the Law & Order: SVU episode with this EXACT PLOT! Did they check to see if the (grand)parents hired someone to rape her, as per SVU?

Right, but your friend wasn’t hooked up to medical equipment 24 hours a day for her entire pregnancy, while having 100% of her needs being monitored and met by trained staff. Soooooo....less plausible.

Um...the baby was “67 hours old” in THAT photo? No he wasn’t. I’ve been around a lot of babies and that is not a three-day-old baby. What was it, a 13-month gestation period?? That kid is supporting his own head and practically sitting up on his own. He’s a few months old.

The qualification for newsworthiness is not how interesting it is to you personally, Alan. 

I had forgotten all about this! Oh I’m going on a YouTube deep dive now.

Elizabeth Fucking Banks.

I regret that I have but one star to give. 

I’m Canadian too and, sadly, I have to agree. You are 100% right about all of that. I wish I had something more profound to say about it, but it’s a sad, weighty fact and I don’t know if it’s anywhere close to changing anytime soon.

So this reminds me of a fun little story from my personal life (kidding, it’s not fun at all):

That is an above average trailer. Excitement level: high.

As a Beyonce fan myself, I’m not sure I could ever really love a Pearl Jam fan. His wife will grow to resent this decision.

“great grandson”? In 30 years? Why not just “son”?


Are she and Chrissy Tiegan friends? It feels like a shame if they’re not friends.

Honestly, it’s okay. But just okay.