
I’m not convinced she didn’t know all the words, so much as she was confused by what he was actually talking about. He was mumbling and speaking very fast (with an accent very different from hers) and suddenly he’s talking about anagrams and tarmac and shit. What a weird interview.

NO. NO. NO! You’re not allowed to do this.

Yeah, exactly. I think this is common enough knowledge that the lawyer should have known better than to try to pretend this was a gotcha question. Besides, would it have mattered? If he’s talking about a vibrator and he says it’s a pink vibrator, would it matter if the lawyer was like, “Are you sure it wasn’t mauve?”

Right, but he’s (presumably) not having sex with men and, more importantly, men can’t impregnate themselves with the used condom and then sue for paternity. I’m assuming that’s what he was getting at.

I don’t think she did actually know. I didn’t either, tbh.

Yeah I didn’t know either. I was half way down thinking, “Am I supposed to know who these people are? Are they famous? What is happening??”

why is this an okay thing to say?

Not for the first time in my life, I feel like I’m womanning wrong. I’ve worked in nearly all-woman workplaces most of my life, I have women friends and sisters. But I really can’t relate to the “put a group of women together and they’ll talk about men” scenario. Thinking back, that has never been my reality. At all.

Ahh, what life lessons were NOT learned on The Facts of Life?

Well, a single joint can be kept in an empty lipstick container. I learned that from The Facts of Life.

Well, LVH made it an either/or situation when she killed Sharon Tate. Van Houten is here. Tate is not.

Explains why you’re so fussy today. Maybe a quick nap and a trip to the fuck pond?

Yes. Because Pinterest.

Wait, no. The electors are never people already holding elected office. Damn, the names of the 538 people who basically decide your country’s fate are HARD TO FIND.

At least a dozen of those people are from states where there are no constrictions on the Electoral College (i.e. they can vote their conscience, regardless of the popular vote). Do we know if any of them are members of the Electoral College? Because that could be significant.

Altoids are an abomination. Even denouncing trump wouldnt make me forget that.

I think you’re trying to get us to drum up some fucks for this, Lauren, but I have none to give.


Ha! Well she was endlessly fascinating. I heard she fought zombies and everything!

I also have a hard time accepting their remarks when they’ve done what they can to deny women reproductive rights.