
Wow. Just wow. This is quite possibly the most stupid thing I have ever read. I mean, it’s not the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard someone SAY. That honour still goes to the teenager I once heard on a bus trying to figure out how to spell the word “of” (“It’s tricky. Like, how do you actually SPELL that? Like, if

I believe the university you are describing is called McGill. Or University of Toronto. Or possibly Waterloo. Oh, maybe UBC or McMaster. Yep, definitely Canada.

Out of curiosity, was that a contributing factor to the “almost” part of “almost dated”?

Okay, I’m from Nova Scotia so I’ve had every variation of lobster roll—both cheap and fancy—and I must say, McLobsters (which we’ve had in N.S. for decades) aren’t great but they’re still better than Red Lobster. I mean, yes, their cheese biscuit things are nice, but just don’t order any seafood.

Yeah, same here in Nova Scotia. They’ve actually gone downhill a bit. I’m not being funny, but some of my favourite (cheap) lobster rolls are from a place called Irving Big Stop, which is—I kid you not—a regional chain of gas station truck stops. It’s pretty hard to make a bad lobster anything in Nova Scotia and Maine

We’ve always had them in Eastern Canada (Nova Scotia and New Brunswick at least) but it’s a regional thing. They’re a little cheaper than Subway’s lobster roll and about as good. (Does everyone have Subway lobster rolls? Maybe not.)

Wait, have they not? I thought that was a previous storyline. Twice. Am I misremembering this completely?

I'm not bothered by any of those other things you describe (though I think I can understand and, believe me, you have my sympathies) but this woman definitely drives me nuts (in a bad way). It's everything! I hate everything about this video! I hate how she moves around, I hate how she modulates her voice, I

I know, right? It's just one in a long line of things that make me wonder how he stays so popular, or at least, successful. I feel like Michael Bluth trying to make sense of Anne.

"Wibbly-wobbly time-fruit" has got to be the most adorable—and vaguely British—made up thing I've heard all year. PLEASE BRING IT TO ME NOW PLEASE

For a mom who is so concerned about making sure her daughter's pictures aren't used for 'role playing' (how? how does she make sure of that?) she sure posts a lot of half naked pictures of her kid.

Just to clarify, since grenadine is not alcoholic, the bartender's only real mistake was giving the 'kid' (I assume you meant her pregnant daughter? not an actual kid?) a syrup that is essentially all sugar and HFCS, thinking it somehow contained vitamins. Is it possible she was thinking that it was proper grenadine,

OMG you're totally right about that one. As an adult I also couldn't stomach the taste of pennies, dog food, dish detergent, or half the other things toddlers have been known to shove in their mouths.

Yes, and the fact that she and Clea Duvall were a public couple for, like, three years. Probably that.

A slight change in punctuation makes it Christmas time-fruit. I WANT CHRISTMAS TIME-FRUIT, whatever it may be!

Oh and let's not forget the time he told former NDP party leader Alexa McDonough to "stick to her knitting" during a radio interview, meaning that she should "mind her own business" instead of campaigning against him for candidates from her own party!…

He's from my province (Nova Scotia) and it seems to me he's been a bit of an asshat for at least 10 years now. He's oddly popular as a politician, though I'm not sure the public generally likes him, so much as he's popular with newspapers and among higher-ups. He keeps getting cabinet positions and he keeps making

Except Josie spelled it just fine, so whatever dude.

That would be a great point, if it weren't factually incorrect. Companies can ABSOLUTELY NOT "do whatever they want" when it comes to discriminating against customers. There are numerous laws that prevent them from doing exactly that, which was kind of a major part of the Civil Rights Movement. A store can't stop you

You're describing my daily life, man. I mean, replace "really expensive outfit" with "every outfit, most of which are not expensive" and "pizza" with "any food, that is sometimes pizza" but the result is always the same: huge glob of sauce on the front of my top. But, you know, yum gimmeeee! (Wow, I sound like such a