
Okay, but that's not exactly disproving Tim Gunn's point. It's not like there are runway models with 32" waists and 46" hips, regardless of gender.

As much as I want to make fun of this, I'm also thinking about those aspiring fashion designers or fashionistas out there who may be intimidated by the mainstream fashion scene because they—or their parents, pastors, communities, etc.—equate it with "secular skanky sin" (gasp!). So if this provides an entry point for

I hate all of this too, but I must say I'm a little surprised that no one here seems to be familiar with Jeremy Scott (at least from the comments so far). I expected more comments like "Ugh. This is SOOO Jeremy Scott" (it is). Is he not famous anymore? If so, I can't say I'm bothered. I've never been a friend.

Well it's not really HIS name. This stuff was designed by Jeremy Scott.

Ellen Page is from my home town and while she never exactly kept it "secret" (you'd be hard-pressed to find someone in Halifax, NS, who didn't know she was gay), it's still awesome that she came out officially. Yay Ellen!

^^THIS^^ Thank-you for saying this.

I'm not familiar enough with individual commentors to know if it's the same ones saying "Photoshop on models=BAD" and "Photoshop on Lena=GOOD" so I can only speak for myself. My personal view is that mild levels of photoshopping to enhance photos (like the examples here with Lena Dunham) is not evil, nor should it be

I don't understand this seemingly absolute aversion to photo editing in fashion magazines beyond "lighting issues." I'll concede that there are terrible examples of Photoshop run amok out there, for the express purpose of promoting unhealthy, unrealistic and unattainable body proportions. Yup, that exists.

"If folks want to have sex and make babies, they don't need conjugal visits to do that. I have heard many a story on that front."

Also, why do you need to extend the life of your butter or margarine to "up to six months" by freezing them? What's the shelf life of margarine normally? Because I feel like I can keep a giant tub of margarine in the fridge for years with no problems. Does margarine even go bad?

I don't think the parents need to email them about it. Just send them a link to this discussion board with the subject line, "This made me think of you..."

If you lower the heat source you won't get much of a sear on the the meat, which won't keep the juices in, so your meat will likely be tough and chewy, no?

I don't know who exactly you mean by "top steak masters." I'm pretty addicted to celebrity cooking shows (WAYYYY addicted if I'm honest) and a lot of those master chefs (like Heston Blumenthal, for one) always talk about flipping steak every 30 seconds. Fish you only flip once, but they often flip their steaks

Oh I was just amused by the whole discussion really, with one person insisting it won't work and a whole bunch of other people saying "but I literally just tried it and it worked" but it seemed completely unpersuasive to Carl Bently. I was just amused is all.

No amount of evidence is going to convince Carl Bently.

" I feel like I'm bragging."

Please tell me you meant this as a satire of people who don't know what "literally" means. You're breaking my brain, here. You're figuratively breaking my brain.

Yeah sorry to be a bummer, but I agree with Rocza. I mean, just about EVERYBODY on the organ donor list will die without a transplant and every one of those people is the most important one on the list, at least as far as their own loved ones are concerned. That's why medical boards need to make hard decisions and not

I'm with you on this one. I've had my fill of the arrested development type. The guy who is well past the age of majority but hasn't reached the age of maturity. If I saw this "wallet" I would immediately assume that the guy isn't grown up enough to care about having an adult wallet and he isn't grown up enough to