
Shit, and I thought that bit with the yacht salesman was dark...

Instead of a reboot let’s have something along the lines of that Vandals song where some guy takes a bunch of LSD and gets trapped on the ride.

Abandoning the Kurds to be massacred by the Turks is ok with you? The people who shouldered much of the fight to dismantle the Islamic State.

It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if we pulled out of South Korea shortly. North Korea stated just today that the only way forward on denuclearization talks is if well leave the Korean peninsula and retract our nuclear umbrella from South Korea and Japan. With any other president the only response would be “LOL, go fuck

Yeah, I have a lot of family from rural Iowa and they are all progressive as fuck. Way further to the left than I am.

Miller is only three years older than me but looks older than my dad.

McRaven has cancer. He’s not going to run for president.

한국인? 왜 다른 나라들이 그 해를 동해라고 해햐 합니까?

I have a degree in Korean studies and was stationed in Korea when I was in the army and the whole East Sea/Sea of Japan thing is my biggest pet peeve with Korea. Calling it the East Sea literally only makes sense if you are on the Korean peninsula. If the Koreans want to call it 동해 on their maps and histories and

The thing is is that hurt doesn’t fade. The Koreans nurture that grievance. I was stationed in South Korea right after the 2011 tsunami hit Japan and the overwhelming majority of the Korean soldiers I worked with had the “fuck ‘em, they got what they deserved” mindset. These were 19-20 year old kids who had grown up

Yeah, service members make pretty decent money all things considered. Like you said, housing, food, and health care is all provided. If you are married you get a housing allowance that as a junior enlisted basically doubles your monthly salary. I was a single junior enlisted soldier stationed in Korea and I would go

Sometimes. Some guys see it as a challenge apparently. I don’t know why. I’m a straight dude and I don’t see the point of hitting on lesbians.

Yeah, that was some weird shit.

My trans brother identified as a lesbian before he transitioned and I always joked that he talked and thought about sex like a straight guy would. When he told me he was transitioning I thought “well, that makes sense.”

One of my best friends is a lesbian and I’ve seen straight guys hit on her more times than I can count. 

Well, there was that episode of Timeless...

AOC is a freshman Congresswoman on the fringe of her party. What do they actually think she is going to be able to accomplish?

Cute is pushing it. She’s average looking at best.

A crowded Republican primary is how we got Trump. I’m not saying more choices is a bad thing, but be careful what you wish for.

I don’t know about mine. He was career Navy and lived in rural Alabama so part of me thinks that he would love Trump. Although my other grandfather was also career Navy and lives in rural South Carolina and thinks Trump is a fucking moron so who knows?