
RIP sir. I lost my own WW2 veteran great-grandfather four years ago. There are so few of them left these days.

The motives of the movement are incoherent. The government backed down on the original reason for the protests and yet people are still out in the streets burning cars and smashing windows. How do you have fascists marching alongside marxists and get 70% of the population to support you? 

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

So the French people don’t like the policies of the right, left, and center? 

Apparently it’s already spilling over into Belgium.

That’s because the average red hat wearing MAGA Moron’s economic views aren’t that different from those of a Bernie Sanders supporter. The difference is that the MAGAs want socialism that only benefits white people.

The protests in France are an ideological free-for-all. Their demands include drastically cutting taxes and an increase in government subsidies. Their ranks include anti-EU people and fervent open borders supporters. It’s revolution for the lulz.

Ahh, makes sense. I was stationed in South Korea soon after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan and the reaction from many of the Korean soldiers I worked with was basically “fuck em, they had it coming.” The visceral hatred really kind of astonished me.

Is he Korean? They have long memories over there.

My great-grandfather was in the US Navy and fought against the Japanese. His ship was sunk early in the Guadalcanal campaign and he spent a good deal of time on the island fighting alongside the Marines. He hated the Japanese until the day he died. I don’t condone it (I ended up marrying a Japanese woman) but I

I thought that’s how everyone learned to like beer.

Ok, I get that this is Splinter where anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders is a fascist or a corporate stooge but do you really think even a symbolic challenge to Trump from a moderate Republican is a bad thing? 

A lot of money ≠ infinite money.

Yeah, I don’t understand why this article is so snarky. Kasich likely stands no chance in a primary but any opposition to Trump is a good thing.

The actual Pearl Harbor attack isn’t bad, its just the rest of the movie that is.

Sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about. An authorization to use lethal force is not an order to use lethal force.

Not enough stars.

With this administration? Yes.

I very much doubt that anyone is even going to be issued ammunition.

We trained the ARVN to fight using US air support and artillery so when we left they were left in the lurch. The same thing is happening in Afghanistan with the ANA. As soon as we leave the Taliban will topple them in short order.