
We don’t use mines in Korea because we don’t have to. The ROK army does. The US Army doesn’t even patrol the DMZ anymore. The only combat unit in Korea sits in Uijongbu miles from the DMZ covering the approach to Seoul.

I highly doubt that any of the commanders on the ground are stupid enough to even issue their soldiers ammunition.

Yes! That is my favorite part of the movie.

I just don’t understand it. What 50 year old wants to hang out with a bunch of 20 year olds they aren’t related to? I went to college in my late 20s after I got out of the army and I didn’t want to hang out with my undergraduate peers.

I’m also a vet and I’m not sure I share your optimism. I know the enlisted (especially Army and Marine combat arms) generally skew to the right. I know two officers who I served with when we were enlisted who are huge Trump supporters. One of them is a full on alt-right conspiracy theorist. My sister is in ROTC at a

The NSDAP was explicitly a German nationalist party. Neo-nazi is the correct term.

A primary of Trump will go nowhere. The GOP is a Trump cult of personality now. All of the moderates like my dad (a lifelong Republican) have left the party. 

I don’t think Matt Gaetz is stupid. He was smart enough to sidestep Sacha Baron Cohen’s buzzsaw when so many other Republican lawmakers gleefully stepped right into it. I think he realizes that the key to getting votes from the GOP base is to act like the batshit crazy conspiracy theorist that so many of them are.

The Bolsheviks also thought they were going to get a better society than czarist Russia. Be careful what you wish for.

Hazing is rampant and unofficially tolerated as part of their heritage.”

Eric Bogle’s “No Man’s Land.”

The 92nd Infantry Division served on the frontlines in the Italian campaign.

Ehh, it’s a movie. 

Different units had different objectives. Cutting phone lines, blowing up train tracks, knocking out radio stations, etc... Individually the target might not make much of a difference but collectively they start to add up.

If this movie claimed to be a historical war drama in the vein of say Band of Brothers then the OP would have a legitimate point. It’s not though.

Ehh, who cares? It’s a movie about Nazi zombies, it doesn’t have to be historically accurate. 

Complete with porno riffs.

Both parties elected their shitbags. Collins and Hunter kept their Congressional seats despite being under indictment and Ellison and Menendez won their races despite abuse allegations for Ellison and Menendez being laughably corrupt.

Why are they making another Super Mario movie when Legend of Zelda is right there?

Hah, that’s pretty rad. Yeah, something like that.