
I would be willing to try what Trump did to Cruz.”

Kasich doesn’t stand a fucking chance. And I say this as someone who voted for him for governor and in the 2016 primaries. He is far too reasonable and the Republican base outside of Ohio fucking hate him.

LOL @ North Dakota.

Some of the shit my Korean friends said about the Japanese was pretty awful. 

Shit, you don’t even need to fight in the military. I was an enlisted language analyst who never heard a shot fired in anger. My sister is a finance officer in the reserves. Ol’ Charlie Boy sounds like a fucking crybaby.

I find it hard to believe that he didn’t meet the minimum requirements to at least enlist.

So he dreamed of going to West Point and when he didn’t get in he didn’t just do ROTC at some other school or enlist? What a pussy.

My great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate POW who died in Camp Douglas and is buried in one of those cemeteries. While I deplore the cause he fought for the idea of people desecrating his grave does not sit right with me.

Detective Fin Tutuola is the gift that keeps on giving.

To be fair, Reagan did serve in the military. He had a cushy job in an Army film unit but I can’t really say shit because I was also a POG during my enlistment. TR is a different story. In addition to his own service he had a son killed in action during WW1 and another who died in Normandy during WW2.

TR would have fucking hated Trump and his spawn. 

LOL look at Coolidge in the background all “why wasn’t I invited to the party?”

Trump knows more about NATO than a guy who spent 40 years as a Marine Corps officer?

Incorporating alternate universes into this show is very, very PKD.

That’s the thing. Lee was a brilliant tactician. In the first years of the war he routinely defeated larger Union armies in his defense of Virginia. As a strategist he was not nearly as successful. His invasions of the north were massive blunders.

Good luck is essential to any successful military commander. MacArthur took a huge risk at Inchon despite nearly everyone else thinking it was doomed to failure and he is regarded as one of the US Army’s greatest commanders. Never mind the fact that he very nearly got the 8th Army annihilated in the mountains of North

Good luck is essential to any successful military commander. MacArthur took a huge risk at Inchon despite nearly everyone else thinking it was doomed to failure and he is regarded as one of the US Army’s greatest commanders. Never mind the fact that he very nearly got the 8th Army annihilated in the mountains of North

All of it.

There’s a legitimate argument to be made about the toxicity of social media echo chambers but leave it to Kanye to make it sound like the ramblings of a crazy person.

How? This is America. Freedom of religion is enshrined in the Constitution.